Thursday, May 31, 2012

Last Push...Democracy Endangered

Our Fellow Wisconsin 99% are on the spot.Outspent 25 to 1 with more ungrateful Robber Baron Dollars pooring in.

"I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts." Lincoln

  "Once you make up your mind,
   facts are but a mere annoyance..."
         Ronald Reagan                         

June 5 will be the first test of what the SCOTUS has brought upon this Nation through the politicizing of that Institution.

 I never thought that you could fool so many people with false claims.

The shear absurdity  of many claims requires no more than common sense it would seem.
Are people really  more gullible today than say 10 or 20 years ago ?

I believe this may be so.To be able to get people to vote against their own self interests is an indication.

I'm no genius but I can recall back in the early 90's when unproven and unlikely claims for products became accepted as fact by educated people simply because they heard those claims so much.I know this is no news flash.But I never remember in my lifetime so many being gullible enough to make these marketing campaigns successful.Those products claims were eventually challenged and proved dubious or outright lies and the companies were fined.Public protected.

In the world of Politics the debunking of false accusations and claims was the domain of the so called "Fourth Estate",but sadly this has become a thing of the past as News today is simply treated as a cash cow by Media Outlets with few exceptions and out and out propaganda for a Political Party is allowed to be broadcast as "News" by FOX masquerading as a legitimate News Organization.

The GOP has methodically dismantled all safe guards  against blatant misinformation over the last 20 years and  the dumbing down of the American  People has produced many successes from it.

To fool the public in order to win elections is un American.

There has always been Dirty Tricks in Politics,but not without a counter to allow the Public to have access to the other side or the truth.

The Broadcast Media,as well as many Print outlets failed to ask the questions needed to prevent us from invading a country that had nothing to do with 9/11 and costing the lives of our Military Men and Women.We know now that many were merely mouthpieces of Bush's Propaganda Machine.Shameful.

And it continues today,but with more counters available but unknown to much of the Public.Current TV is one such Broadcast Outlet.WHO ? That's the problem.Many don't have access to it and others the time to seek it out.

The Internet is also a source of reality but not everyone is inclined to sit in front of a screen all day to fact check or seek truths and many don't even have access.

With all this in mind,the People of Wisconsin have had to use true Grass Roots methods to get their message out while the 1% buys up all the air time and runs outright lies to confuse and discourage the electorate.These People are not just fighting for themselves,they are fighting for American Way and the preservation of the Middle Class.They are fighting for ALL OF US.

This is a fight we can not afford to lose.It will set the stage for November and the future of our Society.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Don't Get Fooled Again

Yes the economy is bad but where would it be if the Right had not obstructed the President and Democrats who put forth Job Programs time and again that all Economists agreed would help as well as their dismantling of the Stimulus ,which was successful,contrary to what most Americans were brainwashed to believe and would have been even more successful had the right not fucked with it so half of it ended up paying for their buddies  Tax Breaks.

Yet it was Tax Breaks that got us in trouble in the first place.Clinton left Bush a  SURPLUS! So The Right gives them MORE!

Yea I'm mad at Obama.But it's for trying Bi Partisan governing with a group committed to his downfall !

But it was Obama who kept us out of a total Depression and stood up to save the Auto Industry and the the multitude of vendors who service them as well as Foreign makes that are produced here that depend on them to keep assembly lines running.

He stopped the bleeding and we now have 26 months of growth despite the Tea Bagger obstruction .he otta get a freaking Medal !

Learn the facts and if you're too stupid to see what has been going on,or  so hateful you gotta get the" nigger out of the White House ",I really am sorry I won't be able to see the look on your face when you realize just how wrong you were, and you Racists types find out there are a lot worse things in life than having a Black Man In the White House.You Homophobes,well,there are plenty of bathrooms so carry on ( I believe most of you are closet Homosexuals)as you elect a Corporate President and help finish our decade old shift to Fascism.

 “When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross.” - Sinclair Lewis.

But then I guess you are not to cool with predictions,let alone proof, as half of you still don't recognize what you were told about Global Warming is occurring  and have yet to put 2+2 together as it happens on a daily basis and is still ignored.

Don't you see that this is not a Republican vs Democratic Party thing ,but a "who has it and who does not" "It" is the" Pursuit of Happiness"and the other things in the Bill of Rights that apply to ALL Americans.

We live in a time of extreme greed and prejudices. An explosion of Hategroups is proof of that and thanks to the NRA they're all heavily armed.I'm not talking about what one would need to protect themselves,I'm talking about enough Fire Power to engage in Guerrilla War.

And so called 'Tea Party " Groups  have only complicated the situation as many have unwittingly done the Corporations bidding in undermining safeguards they directly benefit from. They voted in Idealoges
who promptly exerted control over a weak Republican Power Structure and allowed the Country to be taken hostage to attain their goals.Economic Terrorism plain and simple.

"The dangerous American fascist is the man who wants to do in the United States in an American way what Hitler did in Germany in a Prussian way. The American fascist would prefer not to use violence. His method is to poison the channels of public information. With a fascist the problem is never how best to present the truth to the public but how best to use the news to deceive the public into giving the fascist and his group more money or more power". Henry Wallace 1944

 They will make us forever their economic slaves as they continue to enrich themselves as you labor for existence. You will  protect their interests as members of the Military sent to places to guard their interest as they manufacture scenarios to play on your Patriotism all the while knowing they have ensured themselves with a renewable source of willing enlistees  due to the lack of job diversity. gb
 Fourteen Defining
Characteristics Of Fascism
By Dr. Lawrence Britt
Source Free

Dr. Lawrence Britt has examined the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia) and several Latin American regimes. Britt found 14 defining characteristics common to each:
1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism - Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays.
2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights - Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of "need." The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc.
3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause - The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc.
4. Supremacy of the Military - Even when there are widespread
domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized.
5. Rampant Sexism - The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Divorce, abortion and homosexuality are suppressed and the state is represented as the ultimate guardian of the family institution.
6. Controlled Mass Media - Sometimes to media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common.
7. Obsession with National Security - Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses.
8. Religion and Government are Intertwined - Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government's policies or actions.
9. Corporate Power is Protected - The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite.
10. Labor Power is Suppressed - Because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a fascist government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed.
11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts - Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts and letters is openly attacked.
12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment - Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations.
13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption - Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders.
14. Fraudulent Elections - Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Thank You

Huffington Post Photo
The Indy 500 had a great finish.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Memorializing The Dead While We Forget The Living

Memorial Day is a day of remembering the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces,but lets not forget those who have served and are having a tough time now at home .

23% of Homeless are Vets.

We need to do more for our Veterans,keep the promises that were made to them and are now under attack by the very people who swear they support them as they plan to cut key services and betray these Brave Men and Women.They have no shame as they discard them.We must not let this continue to happen.

A few dollars can help.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Why is the FBI Manufacturing Reasons to Arrest Occupy Protesters While Ignoring White Supremacist Violence?

Is Texas Waging War on History?
Christian-nationalist zealots are rewriting US history, airbrushing slavery and enshrining creationism in Texas schools

Springtime in Washington State

Lower Lake Cushman

Lake Cushman

Mount Rainier

Is Harry A Liberal?

Well I've looked everywhere I can around here. On the water,around the water,in the hills and forests along the rivers and on the mountains and just one disappointment after the other.We know this is Prime Territory and it just shouldn't be so hard to run into him. I've heard recordings of his howl taken from wooded area less than 2 miles from me. The dogs are poised and cameras abound.Theres a bunch of others look'in too! Where the Hell is he?
I asked a fella I saw who was gett'n ready to go hunting,or so I thought because of the rifles he put in a vehicle and the  gun on his hip,and the tent sticks his buddy was putting in the back of a Hummer.
"Bigfoot naw ain't no such thing,just like Global Warming, don't exist"
But there is real evidence for one,I said.
No them videos were faked !" he said."Guy in a monkey suit"
 I don't mean Bigfoot.I mean Climate Change,Global Warming.
Havn't you seen the huge breakoffs of ice the size of states?Or pictures of the North Pole? I asked or heard the last few years have been the hottest on record? And the extreme weather? I said.
"That was all debunked on FOX News"  his buddie chimed in.
I thanked him and asked whether he was going to hunt or camp and he said "No them sticks is for our signs as he pulled out a sign depicting the President as Hitler.
" We going to a rally for Romney so Obama don't get re elected and take our guns away from us,hell you pack'n,ain't you an NRA Member?They been warning us"
I carry to scare the bears I said and  I was not now but once was an NRA Member before they went into politics and became whores for the Gun Industry.
He looked perplexed and said "They only protecting our  2nd Amendment Rights"
From who? I asked.
"Well the Democrat Party" he replied.
You mean the Democratic Party ?
 They have not promoted anything to take away your right to bear arms I said, only what type of arms and who could bear them as suggested by Law Enforcement.
You do believe in Law and Order don't you? I asked.
"Well,depends on the law."
Seems Common Sense is elusive as Bigfoot ,but I bet someone will find Bigfoot before anyone attacks the Second Amendment.
Repect for the Law?  That is subjective.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Once and for all. Who is The American Government?



If they are knitwits,they are knitwits WE voted for.
If they are idiots,they are idiots WE voted for.
If they are crooks,they are crooks WE voted for.
If WE are dissatisfied with them,WE can vote them out.

No Government is perfect,but ours is something many Nations wish they had.We can Vote.

And if you don't Vote,well that's a whole different story and I've already used up 2 of the 3 rants I allow myself a day.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

I got this email from

"What would you do if you were in a grocery store, you turned into an aisle, and you saw a man beating his pregnant girlfriend?

Would you run for help? How long would that take? Would it be too late by the time security arrived?

Safeway suspended Ryan Young after he defended a pregnant women from being beaten .

Ryan Young worked at the meat counter of a Safeway supermarket. Reports say that when Ryan saw a customer push and kick his pregnant girlfriend last month, Ryan stepped in to stop the beating.

According to the press, Ryan's actions earned him praise from his local police chief, but not from his employer. Instead of treating Ryan like a hero, Safeway claimed Ryan should have called security and suspended him without pay while it investigates the "altercation." Pending the results of that investigation, Ryan could be fired for good.

Doug Castro is a security guard who shops at the Safeway where Ryan works, and he believes Ryan did the right thing by intervening. That's why Doug started a petition on asking Safeway to lift Ryan’s suspension and give him backpay for the income he lost during his involuntary time away from work.

Ryan says one reason he felt so compelled to intervene is that he's an expectant dad himself -- his wife is 5 months pregnant. "We're expecting a child," Ryan says. "I've been suspended for just about a month now without pay for doing something I feel was right, that police said was right."

Indeed, local Police Chief Ron Langford told reporters, "In my mind, in this case Ryan did the right thing."

The police have already turned over security footage of the incident to prosecutors so that the man who beat his girlfriend can be charged, yet Ryan has been suspended for almost a month with no income.

 Doug believes that if thousands of people sign his petition, Safeway will bow to public pressure and put Ryan back on the job."

Click below to sign Doug's petition to Safeway to  bring back Ryan Young, an employee who was suspended after defending a pregnant woman.

What the Fluck is wrong with Management Types today? Brain Dead  or Heartless Assholes?

What the hell kind of Logic is SafeWay using? Do they tell employees to suspend Common Sense?

Is there some written rule that this gentleman actually broke?gb

A little taste

Support Your Local Growers



Friday, May 18, 2012

Well I'll start by apologizing for the inconsistency of my posts. Once again I have been thrust into a major health issue  altering  my schedule and caused me to have to cancel my month long road trip and greatly redirected my focus.

A lesion  in my left lung has proved difficult to identify. Wednesday,which had been the day I was to begin my trip,I had a procedure to acquire a piece of tissue called "Computed Imaging CT Guided Needle Biopsy".
Unfortunately  it was aborted as my lung began to collapse which occurs in about 30% of patients.I was well aware of this possibility before I agreed to the proceedure and the effects were painless and after oxygen to help inflate and  3 X Rays 3 hrs apart I was able to go home,but of course no sample.

Now I'm awaiting scheduling for alternative methods and have already heard from several Doctors who will be involved in identifying as well as treating me should it be cancerous as is suspected by some.

Incidentily ,I'm on Medicare and couldn't possibly afford to have these procedures without it.So I want to thank anyone who is thinking of  or is going to vote for the party that put the country in the position it is in, The GOP,for giving me something else to worry about as I know what they have planned to finish off the America we know so as to help their rich friends and Corporate buddies,and say Fuck You too if you're too stupid too see it.I hope you are rich.You're going to need it.And I'd love to hear what you will say to your kids.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Sanity and Respect

Although hard to find these days because of laws that are ignored or subverted,a Federal Judge has found  Unlimited Detention Un Constitutional .Sanity in recognition of the Constitution which didn't say  it was our Constitution, except if we are attacked by a bunch of basically two bit terrorists who were smart enough to take advantage of lax enforcement of our laws and the arrogance of a President who ignored a written warning even after being alerted by the outgoing President about the seriousness of the catalyst of the event,OBL.State Department,FBI,Defence Department,hell everyone had imput that strongly suggested this Fanatic was going to try again to score.W paid no attention and removed many who attempted to plead their case.
The loss of thousands of innocent Americans and Foreign Nationals who died as a result of the fall of The Towers was a cowardly tragic episode that vaulted this asshole OBL to Terrorist Rock Star status,but it was not his only success.
He managed to begin the Desecration of the Constitution of the United States and the abuse of the Bill of Rights.The Soul of America,those values that set us apart from so many other Nations whose view of morality was low on the list of attributes but  were the aspirations of so many other Nations striving to follow in our steps and proud to be friends and Allies to us.The whole World were in abhorrence of what had been perpetrated upon us even the Government of Iran expressed it's disdain for what had been done.

Our response was ,in my opinion,swift,decisive and justified as the Taliban refused to give up the Superstar and would have been over in a matter of weeks except for the arrogance and ineptitude of Donald Rumsfeld. But I digress.

The Patriot Act enacted by the 107th Congress(passed in the House by 357 to 66 (of 435) and in the Senate by 98 to 1, with Russ Feingold the only opposition ) is one of the worst wounds ever inflicted upon the Bill of Rights and our Constitution.It was a knee jerk response sold to the American Public at a time when they were most vulnerable and in need of true leadership, not calculated partisan politics.The few brave enough to point this out were quickly labeled as un Patriotic scum undeserving of voicing their argument and drummed out of the public domain(Phil Donahue led the way I think)

The Television Media totally failed as any type of "Fourth Estate"endeavors failing to delve into the bull being fed us all in a daily subversion of the facts.Few Newsprint outlets faired better but more tried than did TV.

There were/are parts of the Act that were indeed helpful and needed,but that does not cancel the egregious un American,Draconian parts. And when given a chance to correct these, Congress did not have the respect for our Values to amend the act.

A Federal Judge did his job today and followed the Law. Indefinite detention is not what America is about. And it is UN CONSTITUTIONAL. The damage done to our respect in the International Arena due to this violation of our Own laws as well as treaties we ignored to enforce it, will be remembered and at some time used against us, literally. Morally,it has already had it's effect,as long time Allies and friendly Nations became disillusioned and the Populace of those Nations saw us through a new view of a hypocritical Society after hoping,as I did,that a new President,Obama,would bring us back to our beliefs. Sadly little changed. Partly because he did not push enough as well as Republican obstruction.

But today a new reason to hope emerged. Sanity and Respect.

Monday, May 14, 2012

The Chicken Farmer from Texas

Many thought he was nuts. But his foresight and ingenuity has left a Legacy that may not be able to be surpassed let alone matched. He was truly brilliant and never stopped being innovative and involved till just a few months ago as illness came upon him.Not to say he had not dealt with physical frailty before,he was the oldest living Heart Transplant receiver in the world having had the operation back in 1990.

He has done so much and was the catalyst of so much more it is hard to know where to begin in listing his accolades. Driver,builder,designer,marketer,inventor,visionary and Ambassador for the world of Auto Racing to mention a few,he has truly left his mark and will be missed.

A Hero to me, the cars that bore his name,the Shelby Cobra, first showed up at Ford Dealers in 1963 and were a huge influence on me.Nobody had seen anything like that in this country and they proved to be world class.Although I could not convince my Dads Friend who owned a Ford Dealer that had one on the showroom floor(I was 13)to let me drive one I spent hours admiring it.It was just WOW!

He didn't stop there.The next year came the GT 350 Mustang,a Race Car detuned for the street.Then the GT 500,a Big Block Kick Ass Ride and by then I was driving them.
GT 350
GT 500

Ford GT 40

He won the World Sportscar Championship with his Cobra and led Henry Ford II to beat the Ferrari at LeMan,something most said could not be done.Ha!Ford dominated,not just won.The only American Car to ever do that.
He was something else a great man.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

America's self proclaimed toughest sheriff is apparently also one of its biggest Assholes as well.
I've been following Sheriff Hollywood Joe for many years and am glad to see people are finally getting the real picture of his abuse of power.This guy should have been brought back down to Earth years ago when he first started abusing the Law instead of enforcing it.
The Justice Department finally woke up and acted after being head dead to complaints about him for years.He is a bully and tyrant who thinks he is above the Law .

read more

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Happy Birthday Robert Johnson

Monday, May 7, 2012

What's Driving Us !

According to Consumer Reports 450,000 injuries and 5500 deaths a year are related to distractions. We see it every day some less deadly than others,but all have the potential to lead to catastrophe that not only involves the person indulging in what they seemingly negate of any danger,but also the poor unsuspecting and certainly undeserving bystander who is the wrong place at the wrong time.,a thought that will linger in his or hers loved ones minds for years to come if one's life is cut short by the indefensible act of a person allowed to operate a vehicle on a  public way. This is crazy. These are not people trying to sip from a cup of coffee to help them gain some alertness after having only 5 or 6 hours of sleep because of the damn commute they are subjected to going to and from their underpaying over demanding , jobs or Women who at least exhibiting the the thoughtfulness to at least wait till they are stopped at a light to apply their Lip Gloss or whatever.These are thinking people in a hurry.
No these are the ones trying to use their new In Car Info Centers for GPS or the Web .Most of these people could hardly find their radio station and drive in their old cars.I knew and said this was a bad idea when they put these systems in.They would be great if people could drive.But most can't.To most, a car is simply a form of transportation, and they aim it where they want to go, barely aware but many times oblivious to the other motorists around them.
The funny thing is most of these cars are a real goof to drive.They have handling and road performance you could only dream of  for the price you're paying and they are certainly built so if you drive them competently you have little chance of an accident, raising your rates or causing heartbreak you will not soon forget.
Hey I'm all for the Technology,used right.I'm not one to be an example.A Friend or drove with me some 1600 miles only heard about 3 hours of radio the whole time.I love the sound of a V8 Motor and rarely subject my self to distraction.Most everything is planned if I'm going 6 miles or 600.Thats just me.Crazy Gearhead .Booring.But I don't have accidents.
No I just don't think some people take driving very seriously till it's too late.Do you really have to check your Facebook Page at 50 mph ?

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Life After ICU

Well it takes longer,but it sure feels great to still be able to indulge in my passion.Thanks to Greg,Sydney and my new helper Zack as well as my Family and Doctors who got me well enough to be able to enjoy life.Here's a few shots of what you can see.There's alot more that you can't and all together it makes it handle like it's on a rail.

Calipers are from XRC and loaded with Ceramic pads squeezing Brembo Slotted Rotors on the front and EBC Ceramics on slotted discs in the rear.Braking is outstanding.

The 225/60ZR -16 Sumitomo HTR Z II  on American Mavericks are agressive enough for the Track.In addition are new Coil Over Struts,Wishbone MOOG Contol arms,HD Stablizer End Links,Tie Rod Ends.
With the factory IRS now optimised it's close to the Cats that drove the Beamers and Vetts crazy back when Cougars were the IMSA Champions in the 90's and a joy to drive on the back roads here.I love a sleeper.

Did I mention the motors tweaked ? Now where's that Blower?  Happy Motoring !
Fair and Balanced or We Report,And You're A Moron

And Lets be Serious

And now for something completely different

Saturday, May 5, 2012

It's amazing this  is now ! Oh there is worst and stupider for sure.But just look at this crap ! News?

May4,2012     From  HuffPo Headlines

Inside Governor Romney's Homeland Security Apparatus
Vast Data-Mining Centers, Wiretapping Mosques, Spying On Foreign Students, Enlisting Citizen Spies... ACLU: Romney Had A 'Penchant For Secrecy'...
'By Far One Of The Most Proactive And Engaged Governors In The Country'
Remember He BURNED all his records while he was Gov

GOP Plans To Dramatically Scale Back Protections For Abused Women

Shock Ad Compares Climate Change Believers To Charles Manson

U.S. And China Reach Tentative Deal On Blind Dissident
Well I guess we can still work together outside the Country
Maybe we can get the Chineese to broker a deal between Tea Baggers and well anyone

Undocumented Immigrant Wants To Leave, Gets Locked Up Instead

Tea Party Threat Could Topple GOP Senator

Ideological Battle Lines Drawn.. Norquist, Bachmann And Palin Take Sides
 Really,this is news?

New York Post Writer's Racist Rant About Jay-Z
This seems minor when you see this

Vatican Newspaper Equates Pro-Choice Arguments To Nazi Genocide
Yes,listen to the most HomoPhobic selfrigthous pedofiles in the world about how others should run their lives while they continue to cover up the most evil,un pious events ever to visit the world.
Jesus was a great man these are not the people you should listen to to tell you what he means.Jesus was the first Catholic and in many ways the last.

Why The Extremists Have Already Won In Europe
Another warning from Europe,but what could they know.We've ignored them before.What could happen?

Corporate Profits Rising At Expense Of Hiring, Report Says

Colombian Escort Blasts Secret Service 'Idiots'
News huh,but pretty funny

Government Wiretapping Requests On The Rise
Why Not nobody tried to really stop them

New Allegations Of Ikea Using Prisoners To Make Furniture
And we do what?

And On and On....Overwhelming.....there are answers....VOTE !

Friday, May 4, 2012

Fun and Freckless Friday

I'm totally copping out today and posting an article from Hemmings Auto Blog,not from laziness,but because it's just so well written there is nothing I could add to what has always been a fascinating story to me,but not well known,and is more evidence of what a forward thinker Henry was in manufacturing and his imagination.
That's Henry Ford swinging the axe.No dent,but the axe broke after the second swing!

Henry Ford was many things to many people, but the thing I most admire about him (besides his great baseball swing, apparently) was his straightforwardness. Would you see anything like the picture above today? Would you ever see Tom LaSorda or Rick Wagoner taking an axe to their products to demonstrate the product’s resiliency?
Sixty-five years ago today, Ford received a patent for a method of constructing automobile bodies out of plastic. Reading that led me to think of this fairly famous picture of Ford swinging an axe into the plastic decklid of a 1941 Ford. According to accounts, the decklid never broke, not even on the second swing, but the axe itself broke, preventing further swings.
Back in 1972, Michael W.R. Davis, a PR man for Ford at the time, wrote an account of Ford’s venture into plastic bodies in the early 1940s for Special Interest Autos (#11). According to Davis’s article, the whole venture started when Ford entered his Greenfield Village Trade School, spotted a book about soybeans, read it cover to cover and then demanded his young Trade School students – hard at work on developing other farm products into industrial uses – to drop everything and start working on soybeans.

At the time, soybeans were little heard of, but thanks to Ford’s interest in the crop, they became the second-largest cash crop in America in 1970. The Trade School students did consider soybean-derived plastics, but those didn’t pan out. Instead, their research led them into other forms of plastics, which ultimately resulted in the plastic decklid in the above picture and the 1941 Ford prototype car bodied entirely in plastic, designed by Lowell Overly.

While the media of the day predicted $400 automobiles before the end of the decade, plastic-bodied cars never became a reality because the cost and curing time of plastic proved impractical.
Interestingly, Davis’s research for the story also turned up another plastic-bodied car built in 1941, though by a backyard mechanic, Ray Russell of Grosse Pointe, Michigan. As profiled in a page of the December 1941 issue of Popular Mechanics (oh, please, Modern Mechanix guy, hook us up), Russell created a steel tubing and wire mesh frame for his car’s body, then laid down coats of ethyl cellulose plastic with a modified caulking gun.
Of course, Ford wasn’t the last to try to build a body out of plastic. His former right-hand man, Charlie Sorensen, teamed with Brooks Stevens in 1963 to design a plastic-bodied Studebaker that would sell for less than $1,100 (SIA #30), though that effort never left the drawing board. Other U.S. patents were issued in 1961 and 1971, but so far only niche American vehicles like the Corvette and Avanti have used anything remotely similar in their body construction. Though, the use of plastic in other automotive components has sorely frustrated many a restorer since.
Gotta wonder if any of those plastic decklids survive today?

Ther is one thing I can add.Ford's Hemp Car was designed to run on Ethanol !gb

Thursday, May 3, 2012

How Dare He !
President Obama takes credit for getting OBL.
Repubs are insulted !

These guys never cease to amuse me.The irony.The Alter World they live in and the people who moved there.Amazing.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

As much as I would have liked to be on the ground and in the crowd as a Photo Journalist at our local Mayday Events,I spent yesterday at U W Medical Center having CT Scans to id some new stuff they have spotted,but I followed the events as best I could and one thing I observed,here in Seattle,was the Police were more than ready to counter and disturb the rallies. A steady drumbeat of adverse propaganda has been put forth for weeks now by both Seattle PD and the Mayors Office that they expected unruliness and many suspect if they couldn't find it they would manufacture it. Unfortunately both appear to have occurred marring what was planned as a peaceful show of the 99% displeasure with the status quo. Teargas and Batons and ready to detain Police were out in force.Arrests and violence,injuries and vandalism.
According to the Seattle PI "Earlier this month, local anarchists held a Cascadian Anarchist Olympics in downtown Seattle. The three-day event included sessions on how to deal with "pigs on horses," a slingshot shooting gallery and a session on tear gas."After what happened here during the WTO event,one can not,from a Policing View,blame them for their preparedness .But sadly the trust has been lost because many who were there say that the small group who took to destroying  property were unknown to organizers and other grass route attendees,leaving them to believe these were imported provocateurs. Either way,the results had the desired effects for those opposed to the 99%.Negative news focused on the acts of the few and not the needs of the People and their message. Here in Seattle it left many who had been supportive and those who may have been,less than they had been or now totally dismissing the movement.
This is literally "a few bad apples"scenario that has repeated itself many times destroying the good work and efforts of truly Peaceful activists to strive for change since the first organized movements of the common people to improve their lot in life.
I do not know the answer to this dilemma  but I do know that the Freelance non organizational method of protest is compromised beyond it's ability to be effective unless a new dialogue between organizers and the PD  through the Mayors office occurs to make it crystal clear this violence and vandalism is not part of the Protest agenda.
I know many in the movement blame both parties for our situation.This is true in some part.But only one Party will even listen to the 99% and they are the Party who has done more for average Americans than anyone else.Read American History.Start around 1890.You will be astonished !
Demostrations are useful to a point.But now is the time to bite the bullet and choose the lesser of what they(99%) see as two evils and organize to VOTE in November to  help Democrats regain the House,maintain the Senate and assure Obama a second term.This is the system we have,like it or not.We can change what we dislike only if we have the power to do so.If you think things are bad now you will not believe what will come if you stay home and ignore using your greatest weapon.Your Vote.