Saturday, December 15, 2012

Don't Blame Us !

Sixteen US Mass Shootings Happened in 2012, Leaving at Least 88 Dead

As with many of these trageties, Gun  Laws and Regulation,or lack of them,would probably not have altered this event let alone prevent it.Nuts are nuts and people go crazy all the time so a person determined to commit mayhem will not be deterred and innocents will be victims simply being in the wrong place at the time Joe Nutcase goes off.
20 Children gone and six adults who had done nothing to provoke this guy are dead and the big question and concern is that the NRA not be involved with or spoken of in regards to Gun Violence ?
Lets be clear here.

Americans should be against the NRA Leadership(Lobby)and their stranglehold of gun laws here.
These are not people representing sportsman they are the MOUTH of the GUN LOBBY and represent the Billions of Dollars spent to see the Gun Makers get what they want,not whats best for America.
They told the IACP to f*ck themselves because of their support of Hi Cap Mags and Assault Weapon Ban.
Military syle weapons are everywhere they shouldn't be and Police and innocents die daily because of them.


Their Million Dollar Man Wayne LaPierre is an ENEMY to the Country as well as a liar and Traitor.
They, the NRA, don't give a shit about you or your kids unless you're going to buy a gun, and they write the Laws about what they can sell, who to and where they can do that and blame the Government for anything that goes wrong.Real Assholes many seem to love so much they  vote for their bought Lawmakers to keep that power, foolish.
Wake Up.If You glowify war embrace torture and allow any idiot to get  a weapon easier than a Drivers License, what the f*ck did you expect could happen ?
The  fucking Country is turned gun happy pseudo Constitutionalists now and say this guy wouldn't be deterred if we had reasonable laws and all  so don't do anything !You are MORONS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You believe this shit and then bitch ?

Got a reason,and there are plenty of legitimate ones,to have a piece fine.

But Assault Weapons and Hi Cap Clips? Who the fuck do you think you are Pretty Boy Floyd or Capone ?

The NRA should go back to their beginnings of promoting Safety and Instruction not legislating law to benefit Gun Makers,CEOs and Sales Managers so we can get to some real effective Rules and Laws to enforce them.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Democrats have time on their side. If we go over this fiscal cliff, all the draconian spending cuts will be triggered. Along with that, the Bush tax cuts end. And that is why the GOP wants to hammer out a deal before December 31 — if the Spending Controls Act of 2011 goes into effect, it would be easy enough to put the genie back in the bottle on nearly everything; restore funding for various programs and even restore tax levels for the poor and middle class. But the GOP knows they will never get the top two tiers of the tax cuts back and they won’t get the spending cuts they want. The president wouldn’t sign any such legislation. And once again they would be the obstructionists
Plus, the Democrats control the Senate, as much as they can with the filibuster. But, the Democrats are going to change the rules for the filibuster, which will make it harder to use the tactic. In his six years as Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid (D-NV) has had to face 386 filibusters, more than any majority leader in U.S. history. That’s about 220 more than his immediate Republican predecessors — combined.

Friday, November 30, 2012

What! A Bridge Collapsed?Who would have thought


Well it's happened. AGAIN.But this time it made the news unlike hundreds of incidents that should have and did not leaving the Public in a potentionally dangerous place without them even knowing it.
And now I can say without fear of retribution that I was one of the Whistleblowers on the Railroad for many years who made calls leaked info and generally tried to inform the Public and Federal Agencies as to the dangerous yet routine operations  carried out daily by my Employer with the full knowledge of Management and my Direct Superiors.

Movement of Hazardous Materials over sub par,defective and trackage not LEAGALLY approved to handle such movement is a common practice. Millions of these"Moves" are made without incident daily thanks to the skill and diligence of Train Crews who improvise and are at a extremely heightened state of operation to get the job done.

At slow speeds and respect for potential disaster freight moves the country and it is dam near impossible to address all the right of way,let alone equipment that needs repair across the Nation to bring our Transportation Infrastructure up to date.

There is no question that Rail service today is light years ahead of where it was when I was working and that the Agency does do well with what they have to work with.
But like so many things service is only as good as the weakest link in the system and that would be the bridges,tunnels,trackage and the Signal Systems that control traffic flow.

This is where the real problems are.Bridges that are in so much need of repair it's a crap shoot for some trains to make it to the other side.No joke.

These are literally accidents waiting to happen because we have failed to address the issue and it is a complicated one for sure.

None of the Carriers involved want this situation to exist after all they are in the business of moving commodities and profits plunge when right of way is shut down.

But like other industries they need Government aid to get the job done and that has been repeatably beat down by the GOP for what reason is beyond my comprehension.  It only gets more expensive to accomplish as time goes by and a major event could cripple the Country for months at costs that would stagger the imagination.

And this is not new.As far back as 1973 I made complaints as to a bridge that straddles the Hudson River in Up State New York  on the old B&A or"Boston Line".Thats just one.We went over hundreds and it only takes one to create a disaster.

I'm writing this more for a HEY OVER HEY!!!! than assigning blame.  Circumstance is most responsible but this should be a wake up call much as the I 35 was.Remember that ?

More to be revealed when I can,Chemo is a tiring thing.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012





And that includes your GOD or Barack would not be President according to your own thinking.
Do you hate GOD now ?


So RADICAL FRINGE although you are still outthere working hard against realities that would benefit your sorry excuse of a human ass we WON you lost now sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up or you will get your wish.You know the one you rail about to your fellow backward asshole bud in the pool table room as you make a lucky JD induced 8 ball sink for a sawbuck and lament as to how you're gonna sink another if you can get home in one piece and find the barn door IF YOU CAN FIND YOUR CAR KEYS TO ADD YOURSELF TO THE OTHER DRUNK METHHEAD CLOWNS OUT THERE PLAYING DODGEBALL WITH A 3800 POUND WEAPON.



Monday, November 26, 2012

Do You Not Understand English ?

Racism is  alive and well in the USA. Sponsored by and brought to you through the Tea Bagger Led GOP Republicans Bigots and the Assholes who follow them and are too CHICKEN to stand  up for America.
This as they lecture the rest of us on how to be "Patriots".
What a scam half the Nation appears to have bought as they show how little they will actually do to protect YOUR RIGHTS as they scream that YOU are Destroying Theirs and use Church,GOD,Guns,Bullies,Morons,Cheats ,thieves,Bomb Throwing,Murders and Murderers against PRO Choice People,Sucker Punching COWARDS,Fake News,Paid Liars,unsuspecting homeless (that they helped to make homeless),Veterans,Elderly they lie to and scare and so on to support their vile hate filled self righteous views.Only they know what is right or wrong they say and you don't count,your Vote  means nothing to these"GOD Fearing"Bible Thumping pieces of meat so blind with hatred they can not see the truth and live their days in fear of everything and everyone around them.
So now treat them the way they treat you.
Get in their face.
That's what they think they want.

The leaders will scream,holler and then go away as the truth escapes your mouth,the followers will step back and fade,and the Big Mouths will run or  hide.
For those of you who encounter the "Armed Patriot"you need only let them know that,if like I and my friends, you too are "Armed" and unless they have a good reason and a hell of a lot of experience they might want to back the fuck off of that type of intimidation because it will be met with equal and devastating force should they not heed your prudent advice to provide you your "space" and that furthermore you will see to it that their actions are brought to the attention of the proper issuing authorities and that the recording you have of the incident has been provided to the Local News Outlets as well as YouTube and other Social Networks eager to make them a Star. Their Employers will love the Publicity.


Want to "Talk Yet?"Or are you still on blustery Bullshit and Propaganda or as I call it "Neo Teapublican Educational Disinformation Syndrome". 
 I have access to 40 years of Law Enforcement Contacts I'm sure I can accommodate many of you with a lead as to your local Official who will be glad to add them to a neat little list they are all building since 2001 and will see them go through some Federal Government Oversight they never saw coming. How ya like me now ?
Oh My,I just read this and wow it sure seems like I made what could be construed as"Threats"to others I feel are a "threat" to me. Broke one of my Cardinal Rules. Or Did I? Let me see.
Just using the only kind of wording you Self-aggrandizing Ignorant Holier Than Thou Self Appointed Law Breakers seem to hear. You don't like reasonable,don't believe in facts and truth,fail to understand the meaning of or what is logic,and seem to be the only people who know where to find the Uni Corns and the Russians massed at the Boarders to invade us.
BTW do you guys know what "Winning:" a contest means ?
Come on tell me.Are you the guys following the Referees home after they declared the team with the highest score the Winner of the Ball Game and it wasn't your kids team ?
A real bomb shell here.
That is how it works you see.
You don't get to say you "Won " the contest unless you did.
What a concept,huh?
I'm sure at one time someone explained this to you if you had a problem grasping this simple concept of life.
It really is everywhere you look.
Nothing new here.
No One is trying to "Trick You".
You simply "Lost" .
And you lost the Presidential Election also. AGAIN!!!
Now Children realize this.
Most People who understand the English Language also are aware as well.And it seems the VAST Majority of the World,it's People and their Leaders also understand.
The US Courts Agree.
Those of us who voted and were in greater number than you and your Gun,Pastor,Priest,Minister,Person who thinks for you,Person who tells you what to think,Roger,Bill O'Reilly,Rush.Glen,Sean, Generic FOX AIRHEAD or even Rupert the Thief from Down Under, just too many possibilities to list here,man you guys got it tough thankfully they seem to all agree on a daily lie or distortion so you can be easily convinced that George Washington freed the Slaves and Michelle Bachman knows what she is talking about.
FOX  even knows !
You can try again.Good Luck on that.It should prove hilarious,I fear I won't be here to see it,but what a Hoot it should be.If you think you had to Bus in a lot of pretend supporters this time wait and see how empty those rooms will be next time probably emptier than the Indiana Statehouse the day after they arrested the Grand Klan Man David Curtiss"Steve" Stephenson for Rape and Kidnapping.In 1925 Stephenson was tried and convicted in a notorious abduction, rape and murder of a young white schoolteacher, a state education official and trying to make a meal of her while on an Express Train.Great reading if you missed this.It's TRUE that this happened and what occurred as a result of the Grand Dragon being convicted along with over 2/3rds of the Elected Officials of that State.Man we had Crooks in my State,but these guys were sex fiends and cannibals who thought they were above the Law as they methodically Raped a woman and refused her Medical Attention that led to her DEATH.

That IS what happens when you let the wrong people have power and then look the other way.
You think those clowns who manipulated their way into DC are any different?They sure don't talk or act  any different,they've been caught in a variety of schemes and lies and broken laws with little done to call them on it.Are we waiting for them to "Lynch"someone or Rape  your Sister or stick something up her Virginia for there twisted Medically Un Advised reason because their Church tells them to?

WTF Over! Enough of this SHIT.

You can write all the fucking Laws you want in your backward Church Ass Kissing State,that does not surpass The Bill Of Rights or The Constitution without an Amendment that you will never get.You are the American Taliban.Go Fuck Yourselves and leave us alone.
Stick something up your own ass and twist if you need a thrill, you SICK MORONIC SADIST.
We will defeat you and we're sure as fuck not scared of you small dicked mindless assholes.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

What is and should never be...

It was a valiant attempt.  A noble effort but a resounding failure.
Once again Americans showed that their desire to have stuff at  a cheap price far out weighs their sense of righteousness  and fairness exhibited to those who must struggle to provide those "Deals" for them.

What selfish and short sighted a society we appear to have become.  This simplest of actions that would have had such  imposing implications as well as a solid Championing of the American Worker was evidently not worth waiting one lousy day to advance a US labor cause that affects the whole Country today and as we go forward. You just helped the very people trying to screw you and screwed those trying to help you. What the Fuck Don"t You Understand ? Just how stupid are you ? Really!

Until it is they,you, who suffer from these labor/workforce maladies and then, low and behold, they will appear to hold accountable those they feel have wronged them as long as they don't miss a episode of American Idle or the Price is Right or whatever other seemingly indispensable TV Shows that have more power over their lives than the economics of their fellow Citizens who are desperately trying to keep their heads above water and keep their families together with a roof over their head and meals on  a table where children sit hopefully clothed to be be warm and comfortable like so many other fortunate Americans are.

All we had asked was that the American People stand and make a statement to these Mega Giants we have made who now rule with seeming impunity as to how their employees,the Public and the Government treat them and woe be onto anyone who would not agree with them.
And what a statement it could have been.

A WIN WIN I think.

And few if any would have lost out on those so called deals.

You know the ones for a TV built by a former US Electronics Manufacturer,say Zenith,now part of Samsung I believe,the Korean Mass Electronics Giant who is to Korea what RCA,Westinghouse or Admiral was once to us.

Did you think that the bargains would not be there the following day? Did you think they had crews of workers  at the ready to remove all that had been shipped and loaded onto aisles  or any other space where a box of product could be displayed with it's enticing artificially produced low price made possible by the stupidity of the very people who would now complete the fleecing of the American Citizen as he screamed with joy for having just been proven one of the biggest suckers in the World.

You just helped WalMart Fuck You and ALL their Employees,Subs and Contractors.

You think you got a deal but you have neither the facts or sadly the willingness to find out the true cost of that item,it's history or what WalMart demanded of the Manufacturer to attain that "Low Price".In so many cases there is no way for you to find out.WalMart makes the Manufacturers,Vender's and so on sign confidentiality clauses and such to hide deceptions and the downgraded components used to hit target production cost.Hidden costs are just that.They are the real story and if you are not privy to them you can not make an informed statement as to the true cost of that so called "Bargain"because the price at check out is far different than the actual cost.
It would have only taken this one damn day for you to show that you cared as much for your fellow Americans as they showed they care for you.

Yes they were out there for YOU as much as for themselves.In the cold and rain,many in pain physically and mentally and many knowing that thair action could quite possibly cost them that job. Intimidation and backlash are well known results of asking to be heard in today's employees lives..
This action was for the American Worker.  All Workers. WalMart was the target because they are the ones who brought us this warped dysfunctional design of a business that supplants their profits by robbing local Towns and Cities through the use of Public Services to care for the employees while WalMart pays nothing and often receives incentives from the Municipality to remain for its meager Tax Base contribution to that city now devoid of all others as WalMart drove them away or into bankruptcy.

So they built you that Skateboard Track or supplied the HS Football Uniforms or gave Gym Equipment.Far Out! BFD!!!!!

Mom and Pop,Church.Pop Warner and so on have done those things for generations and without spending millions on TV to tell everyone how Great They Are to do it. Giving is because it's a good thing not so you can go tell everyone how great you are for doing it. WalMart is not doing this for Morals but for their Bottom Line so please wake the Fuck Up as to what this is really about.
And these small and inadequate gestures are in no way a reasonable trade off for what has been lost in transition.

Decades,Generations,and scores of lifestyles have forever been cast to scrape yard of American History

I frankly just don't get it. The evidence is overwhelming and the solutions abound and are tried and true. We have done this before and know it is a call to change a faulty unfair and unsustainable system that has taken deep root but has an easy fix.

So why not now ?

Consumers have the power to dictate to retailers if they want to. That's the key.

Do you care more about saving money or the American Way.

They do not have to be exclusive of each other,there is a balance.A Sweet Spot so to say and was more the norm before the Waltons and others decimated it with their NEO Slash n Burn Business model that is based on deceit rather than performance or value.
Peel back the facade they created and you will see the ruins of the many they used to accomplish their rise to the Top Of The Heap.Dishonor,lies and minipulation are some of  their tools and methods and they are PROUD of that.Whew!

And you want to keep them Kings ?

Robbing and cheating you and yours while blowing smoke up your silly ass thinking they are there for you.You beleive in Clean Coal I suppose and think Sadam caused 9/11 too.
Please wake up and see the truth that is staring you in the face before the complete transformation of our Country to Facism is accomplished due to you not being able to see reality or worse, knowing and being silent so you can save a few dollars.

Monday, November 19, 2012

 American Rail

Expand(reinstate) Inter-city and regional rail freight service with new routes using existing Interstate System intersecting to existing major rail routes,Hubs and terminals.
I am fully aware of the disassembly of the prior Right of Ways throughout the country and realize the impossibility of reclaiming those in entirety,but some remains near important routes in Industial areas that now use long haul trucks to ship what once moved by rail,leaps and bounds in fuel savings could be achieved  by stepping back and making a big push for a return to Nation Wide Rail Freight Service to more points and markets .
Likewise,Light Passenger Rail must be increased to ease city congestion and again reap fuel savings from the decreases in the vehicle numbers. Free flowing highways and streets increase fuel savings and emissions.
Contracts and Labor generated to implement this could fall under a Government Public Works or Job Corp,ect to provide work to AMERICAN workers and Companies.
This is do-able. Just add Leadership and Americans will do what we do Best.

How can a gearhead be an environmentalist ?

I thought it time to explain the juxtaposition I represent as to my stance on Fossil Fuel and at the same time being a Racer, car guy,hot rodder and generally someone who burned countless gallons of fuel in my desire of the thrill of speed and the agony of the feet(ha) there are some things about these activity that are the forerunners of fuel conservation.
You see as it turns out we racers have always been fuel efficient because the amount of fuel burned( Thermal Efficiency ) in an internal combustion engine is directly related to how much power and thus how fast or in the case of a drag racer how quick a vehicle is.
It's called BSFC and basically relates to the amount in percentage of a pound of fuel burned in a cylinder. It is simply fuel flow (in pounds-per-hour) divided by measured HP, and is expressed in Pounds-per-Hour-per-HP.
Brake Specific Fuel Consumption (BSFC) is a measure of fuel efficiency within a shaft reciprocating engine. It is the rate of fuel consumption divided by the power produced. It may also be thought of as power-specific fuel consumption, for this reason. BSFC allows the fuel efficiency of different reciprocating engines to be directly compared.
The higher the percentage the more Horsepower generated and that is what moves you.
So yes it seems contradictory to many that racing is in any way fuel conscience when many race cars get so little MPG,like a NASCAR Cup Car 3.7-4.3 miles per gallon and that is dismal as compared to a street car.
But here's the thing.
Each pound of fuel that goes through that motor is burned at a ratio far higher than ANY Production street car whose percentage is in the 30% range and  pails to a 1000 HP Mustang that's burning above 50%.
Some of you older folks can surely remember being behind some clown with black smoke pouring from the tailpipe and the term"He running rich"and thats a good example of a gross failure to burn fuel(and really mess up the air).
Well another term is"keep'em Lit"and refers to being able to overcome ignition system shortcomings that limit the burn process and is best illustrated by Nitro Methane fueled racecars,Dragsters,Funny Cars,where the massave amount of fuel and air forced through the cylinder can overpower the spark provided by 2 complete ignition systems working in tandem to supply that energy and still often fail to keep all 8 "LIT".
It is from these parameters that racing learned how to be fuel efficient and if it was not for racing the high MPG vehicles of today would have been far longer in appearing if they had a internal combustion motor for power.
So I do not see my position as in anyway hypocritical because I still believe in Racing and readily strive to make more HP&Torque in anything I touch.It's my thing.
But for a long time now I have been a proponent of fuel conservation and believe I not only talk the talk,I walk the walk,and I do.I've cut my fuel consumption by well over 50% anually and although maybe a third was not planned but due to my sickness,the rest was because I actively limited myself even though driving is my most chrished activity,I've increased the fuel efficientcy of my old truck as well as detuned my 97 to run on Regular Unleaded and at the same time bumping up MPG by a .97 - 1.33 even as I added 17 HP.
It's not hard these days to have your cake and eat it to because of what computers have brought to the automotive world, in particular the internal combustion engine which contrary to what you might have heard will be around for several more decades as we transition to other forms of propulsion. as well as the very types of fuel used
I was a proponent of Methanol as a main source of fuel since the 70's and over the years have settled in on Sugar Cane as the source for its sustainability and lack of impact on food prices unlike corn alcohol has done because of the fools who would not look at the facts,but I digress.At least they were trying and did indeed get the attention of a public whom many had no idea a car could run on anything other than fossil fuel,let alone a renewable source.
In the 60's The Massachusetts State Police used Propane Powered Ford Police Interceptors exclusively on the MASS Pike and it was a great success.

Your top 10 Reasons  should quit the

#1 The US Chamber of Commerce argued against a national holiday to honor Martin Luther King, Jr. because it might eat into corporate revenues. Source
#2 The US Chamber of Commerce wants corporations to be able to give unlimited money to politicians anonymously. Source
#3 The US Chamber of Commerce lobbies for tax cuts for millionaires. Source
#4 The US Chamber of Commerce wants to privatize social security. Source
#5 The US Chamber of Commerce successfully convinced the Supreme Court, in the Citizens United case, to rule in favor of unlimited corporate donations to politicians. Source
#6 The US Chamber wants to build a Great American Firewall, which would allow big corporations to blacklist websites without a hearing. Source
#7 The US Chamber of Commerce President Tom Donohue told people unemployed due to outsourcing to "stop whining". Source
#8 In 2009, the US Chamber spent more money than the next five largest lobbying groups combined. Source
#9 The US Chamber called for taxpayers, not BP, to pay for the Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. Source
#10 The US Chamber of Commerce believes that big energy companies should get taxpayer subsidies. Source

Exploding Heads Blamed on Obama
Massive amounts of paper towels were on hand to aid in the effort to clean up the blood and brain matter from thousands of exploded heads throughout the South that occurred when it was announced that despite the efforts to buy,rig or steal the Election,President Obama had been re elected to a second term.
Officials said they had asked for assistance from Major Oil Companies as they are the unchallenged leaders in the field of Paper Towel Absorption Technology,well in advance of Election Day. 
They had a hunch such an event might occur after witnessing the absurdity of the Romney/Ryan team. The fact that they had lost the NASCAR Vote bolstered their view.
In Texas where GOP supporters  had learned that Tom Delay had become Denzels "Bitch" several heads instantly exploded from  disbelief,EMTs said they had  drilled extensively for just such an event after Governor Rick Perry's exit from the Presidential Race and had plenty of towels and as a backup had a abundant supply of Anti Obama Posters that could be converted to absorption devices .Many States were less prepared.
 Tennessee,Arkansas,Mississippi and several other states where the posters had been used to provide heat during last winter as many could not afford to fill their propane tanks due to high unemployment that was maintained by their Governors rejection of funding for improvements to infrastructure,Alternative Energy Projects,Education,Police and Fire Departments that would have reduced unemployment as well as providing the State with extended Benefits for the many Tea Party supporters who helped elect the States Congressional Leaders who then led the charge to reject any help for them from the Socialist Obama Administration.Said one supporter "We said we would keep Government out of our Medicare and we did !"and added" I got a lot more I could say bout that Obama Car but I got ta take the little woman to get some kind of chest check that her Doctors gonna give her for free before they run out of 'em".
Florida appears to have had one of the most severe outbreaks even though plenty of posters and paper towels were on hand.Clean ups were complicated by the fact that many Seniors, realizing they had been duped by their Elected Officials  when their State related assistance had been cut, gathered in mass and were chasing down Governor Scott and his cronies on their Scooters clogging the roads and  impeding efforts to get to those whose rigid ideology thwarted their ability to accept reality and resulted in mass cranium explosions.
It is a mess and too late in the season to expect help from a Hurricane to help tidy up. On the plus side though, the roads which had taken on a bluish tint, attributed to several years of oil saturated atmosphere from the BP spill, now have a multi hued iridescent appearance  sure to delight visitors.One local said "It's been a great boon to our Auto Body Shops as there seems to be a whole lot of slipp'n and slid'n since the roads got pretty.When the reporter commented that Scientists had pointed out the sheen was oil in the air from the BP spill and was also responsible for stunted crop growth as well as an increase respiratory ailments the man said"Ain't ya seen the BP Man on Tea Vee?"and added"He said everything was fine down here and  any oil on the roads was from it seep'n up through the ground cause no one had drilled for it there,you Liberal Medya folk don't know much do ya"and that "we got Rush on the radio done here and we got the FOX News so we know what's really gun'in on herr".
Some Northern States also experienced the same calamity. North Dakota,Kansas and Idaho were most notable due to a lack of absorption devices.Shipments of Brawny paper towels had been diverted by owners the Koch Brothers to Oil Spills in Yellowstone where Exon Mobil, one of their Oil Supply Partner Pipelines had hemorrhaged and was rapidly destroying the National Treasure.The Kochs had described it as a minor leak and blamed the Obama Administrations refusal to allow a pipeline to be built over a Aquifer that supplies much of the Mid West with drinking Water,forcing them to overload the pipeline. When reporters asked about the possible damage to wild life and the extinction of certain species of fish David Koch said "That's why we have Aquariums and Zoos".Asked if they would offer their Angel Soft Toilet Paper or Zee Napkins  instead, David Koch replied "We spent 400 million dollars to purchase this Presidency and  Zero Out the EPA and now are expected to be civically minded after we lost? Are You Crazy,Get your own paper towels, it's not our heads that exploded" speaking from one of his Vacation Residences on Cayman Cay while sipping on a Pina Colada served by his  Servant,Barack.
He continued"Those minor leaks provide many jobs for those not lucky enough to be employed in our factories,many above minimum wage by 20 or 30 cents" he said ending the interview to go to the main Island Grand Cayman to visit his money.
After 300 oil spills from Koch pipelines and facilities in six states -- Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Louisiana and Alabama,They have established themselves as major shirkers of responsibility even after being fined hundreds of millions by the EPA,but are confident they have SCOTUS on their side and will discuss more actions on their next Golf Outing with Justice Scalia.
Even the Southwest was not spared.In Arizona a Patriot group mistakingly chased down three off duty Boader Patrol Agents who appeared Latino to them and demanded their Papers.When one Agent reached for his Shield a Patriot opened fire on him thinking he was a threat to the 18 Patriot Members and unloaded 65 rounds into the off duty agent who was wearing a t shirt,shorts and sandles.The Agent identified as Tony Mascola an Italian American transplant born in New York's Little Italy was killed instantly. Local Police arrived in time to prevent further gunfire by taking the Patriots into custody.It was at this time when one Officer remarked that it was people like them that helped Obama win a second term several of the Patriots heads exploded simultaneously as they had not heard the news.
Governor Jan Brewer who appeared with her head bandaged,she said she had walked into a door, called the death a tragic mistake and said very few would know Italian Sicilians could be so dark skinned and was reaching out to Senator Scott Brown,an expert in Ethic Stereotyping,to help people to use his methods to recognize one's Race as he did with Elizabeth Warren.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Wake Up,You're Being Robbed!

Collectively, the Waltons control over 48% of the company, and are worth a combined total of $102.7 billion (as of 2012) In 2011 six members of the Walton family have the same net worth as the bottom 30% of American families combined.

But It's Not Enough for the Greed Machine You Subsidize.


They screw you with their mostly junk false bargains that YOU pay them to make you think are bargains.
By not treating their employees,vender's and ANYONE associated with WalMart with a decent job or profits while they make obscene profits,remember that Local, State and other Tax codes and breaks were in almost all cases given them to operate that store.

Maximizing profits has destroyed much of independent retail in this Country so Americans can get so called bargains and this is the Company who showed how to do it.
They are as a Corporation something to behold in their success but certainly not for their respect of their Employees or the US Citizen who they think are to stupid,poor or have no alternative but to shop there because Walmart put every last competitor out of business with their take no prisoners mentality. Undercutting,price rigging,collusion, you name a dirty business or political trick and they use it and in many cases invented it and in all cases perfected it.

That inexpensive backpack you just got the kid was cheap at check out,but the hidden cost to you and your community are immoral and the reason your school may have had to alter school programs or even eliminate them.
Still think that's a "Bargain"?

They are the single biggest factor in the loss of Manufacturing here in the US to China in order to pay pennies on the dollar for Labor that includes Children and Forced Labor to make product.The whole China thing is so despictable it will require another post later but is easily researched,so as I always say don't take my word for it,nor do I expect you too,check it out yourself.

What you may not know, even though it was publicized years(1990's) before, is that many of those products are made to Walmart's specs to increase their profits,not the value to you of the item.Two identical appearing items,especially big ticket products such as TVs, although appearing identical contain subpar components and often have a far less lifespan than the same item purchased elsewhere.This is why you can't always make a true comparison because the SKU is only found at Walmart for whom it was designed for only.

Far more items are simply "Branded" for them with once Quality Names that are now simply"Licensing"entities who are basically in cahoots with Walmart to trick you into thinking it a premiere product.

That's from the lack of ethics that permeates our Retail sector these days and our job should be to be smart enough to force companies such as Walmart to change their policies to that of a reputable company who balances profit with value and most of all lets its work force share in their good fortune in order to maintain employee spirit and self worth and a wage that will allow them to live in America as it was in visioned by those who created this Great Experiment in Democracy.

Do we not know why they came to these shores or do you think it too corny or out of date to not want to be used as a pawn for the Rich to be richer as you struggle to put food on your table and see that your Children have decent schools,healthcare and Public services to protect them such as Police,Fire,and all the organization to see you and them lead a fruitful and rewarding life.Is it so much to ask for them to have some time to spend with their Family on a Day that is supposed to represent the very essence of Family,Sharing and Compassion,the Day we give Thanks for the giving and receiving of Good Will.

The whole premise of Walmart is to dominate by destruction of competition and they have proved they are Masters at this. But it could only have been successful because WE allow it. They steal,yes STEAL, money from you everyday wether you shop there or not.

Who do you think foots the bill for the thousands who have no choice but to work for WalMart at poverty level income that forces them to use Public assistance for Medical,Food or other needs they are unable to afford on the meager income they receive? It was designed by Walmart to take advantage of Public Tax Dollars to keep their profits at the ever increasing upward  spiral,NEVER satisfied with those high profits and determined to destroy anyone who would say "When will you share your good fortune with those who helped you get it?"

It's not a Bargain it's a Travesty to the American Way they Walmart have so gleefully destroyed and I don't think would be approve by Founder Sam Walton.
Walmart as Worlds Greatest retailer is a myth.
They do not operate as a retailer but as a Dictatorial Entity demanding of all and beholden to none but themselves all the while suckling at the Public Teet.
Have we become so selfish and uncaring we will not take a stand? I think better of us as a Society when we move together to force change.
I don't want to see Walmart go out of business nor would I think it possible(many of you don't give dam about this as you struggle to stay afloat,understandably)but we must continue to make it clear that we are aware of their indecent business practices and their lack of Community Awareness as displayed through their actions.

Does This Look Right to You?Is this what you want done to People simply looking to be heard?

Many Corporations are successful without disregarding the needs of their workforce and do all they can to insure a decent workplace environment for them and a wage that they can live on.
That's all I and others are asking for WalMark and their Sub Contractor employees.

As for Walmart,start paying your Fair Share to the Cities and Towns you operate in.cease your relentless pursuit and destruction of those who are attempting to orgainise your Labor Force to insure Fair Treatment of them. It would not have started if you, Walmart did not create the dismal conditions you force them to endure.

And if we are so dam "God Loving" a Nation as we say we should ALL be out there making sure our fellow Citizens are treated with respect and Dignity.

We're Americans,lets get back to acting like ones and show we give a dam about our Brothers and Sisters and not just how cheap we can get a 50" Big Screen TV.

Walmart will be fine even if they treat their employees as people and not Chattel.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

May I Share....

This Woman has been and is an inspiration to me and I hope to many others.I'm so proud to have been a small part in seeing she gets to where she is needed.
But her message is clear,we must not stop !


You were there from the very beginning.

Actually, PCCC members were with me before there was a beginning.

We fought together for Wall Street reform. We fought to set up the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. And when I was considering a run for Senate, PCCC members showed me the enthusiasm that would be there if I ran.

We campaigned together for more than a year, and we won our race in Massachusetts because we stuck to our values and worked our tails off to advance bold progressive change.

As I said Sunday on a call with PCCC volunteers, this race was about what kind of a country we want to be and what kind of a people we are. The Republican vision is clear: "I’ve got mine and the rest of you are on your own." I believe we’re a better people than that.

I believe that together we can create something stronger than any of us could alone. We can help our students, we can protect our seniors, we can put more people back to work. Together, we can build a better future.

I offer a very sincere thanks to the many PCCC members who made 574,570 calls for my campaign in recent days, contributed more than $1 million to our effort, and contributed in so many other ways as well. Your support meant so much to me.

The campaign is over, but our fight together for middle-class families goes on.

Thank you so much.

-- Elizabeth Warren

We showed the Tea Baggers we're not afraid  nor will we be intimidated any more by them.America belongs to all its Citizens,not just big mouth braggart bullies and subversives whose lies and distortions were not enough to fool everyone.

Remember these words
"There is a new wave of change all around us, and if we set our compass true, we will reach our destination — not merely victory for our Party, but renewal for our nation.
And this November the torch will be passed again to a new generation of Americans, so with Barack Obama and for you and for me, our country will be committed to his cause. The work begins anew. The hope rises again. And the dream lives on."

                 Senator Edward "Ted" Kennedy, DNC Speech 2008

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


To all those who have put up with the constant posts and prodding I have subjected you to,Thank You for your efforts and support in making sure President Obama has  four more years to finish what has been started.

You've heard all the hype but were able to see clearly what is at stake and recognize  that this Man was doing the best he could to get America back on track even in the face of unprecedented obstruction and sabotage of any and all efforts he put forward.

But he would not be deterred or defeated and showed what real determination is all about while maintaining civility and dignity in the face of some of the most Racist and hateful attacks ever put upon a President and even his family as sick as that is.

Never lashing out in anger and always addressing even the most trivial and misguided attacks he kept true to his position as President and not as the head of the Democratic Party because that is what a President does.He represents All Americans.

I could not be prouder of our Country and all the Brave and determined Citizens who came out to wait in long lines to cast their Votes even in the face of unrelenting obstacles put in place to stop them.You are what is best about America.

As much as I would like to say all is in the past and we should now move on,I agree in most part,but not all.
Those who orchestrated the massive effort at Voter Suppression must be taken to task.Many are Elected Officials who blatantly broke Laws and should be charged for their actions.Each time we let these things go unpunished it leads to more of the same at greater intensity.
Those actions are an affront to Democracy and no reflection of America but of a Banana Republic or other Fascist regimes of the past.Done under the Color of Authority it displays contempt for US Law and our Citizens and frankly I believe we should be screaming  for resignations at the very least as we await the FEC,DOJ and other pertinent agencies to investigate and bring charges for Voting Rights Act Violations as well as Civil Rights infractions,Conspiracy under the RICO Act and Dark Money.
I do not see those involved as Politicos, I see them as criminals who knowingly attempted to secure a Presidential Election by Illegal actions and letting this slide is not good for America,the past proves that.

I hope we can indeed move forward on the important work that needs to be done.There are so many answers to our problems if we can just get along and there is only one group who has not been willing to get along,you know who you are and so does the rest of the World.
How about being Grown Up now and help move America Forward.We can and want your help.Get on board for the love of your Country over the dislike of the Democratic Party.Be an American first.We will still work with reasonable people.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Some Last Thoughts....

Rick Scott actively suppressing the Voters of his State caused these lines
After 4 years of manufactured discontent bolstered by hate and fear produced by the losing side in a Presidential Election are we now ready to be serious about the very solvable problems we face as a nation or is this just the beginning of another foolish stalemate organized and presented by the children who control the GOP in a quest to gain political power at all costs including the destruction of the American Way which they have so fervently pursued for the last term and which many would say,including myself,was an act of treason for denying the President the means to carry out his Lawfully entitled mandates as the President of the United States of America.
Tell me the difference between the GOP holding the Country hostage to get their way and Al Qaeda attacking us to destroy lives and destroy our economy exactly as OBL had planned.
Little did he know he would have the GOP to help him in his quest.Those who screamed loudest of their Patriotism were indeed his greatest allies as they squandered  the Good Will of the World towards us after 9/11 and proceeded to divide this Nation and turn what could have been a resounding slap in the face to those who attacked us into a plan to gain power,money and control for them and their backers.SICK.
All my life I have watched as these so called Patriots have manipulated,lied and cheated to get their way.
For years I believed it was but a small consist of these anti democratic fools who had found their way to DC and that their Party would Police them as had been done in the past.
There have always been fringe or radical members on the Hill but civility and common sense has for the most part been the check valve for that on both sides of the isle.
The rise of the Tea Party and their mis guided and absolutely un American means to an end mentality removed that mechanism from the GOP membership and reduced the Party to little more than a Domestic Terror Group who used the Halls of Congress and their power to coerce a Nation into accepting their terms and all else be dammed.
This from the losing side of a Presidential Race who decided to stomp and pout to get their way never mind that a majority of Americans voted for Obama.
They vowed to make him a one term President and would subvert the Constitution to do so if needed and would use any and all dirty tricks to accomplish their mission.
In with the Tea Baggers and all control of the GOP was ceded to these errant miscreants who would take the power and proceed to "Rule" rather than legislate.
Breaking rules bending the law and ignoring others would become SOP and soon it would become apparent that these elected officials were beholden to those behind the curtain pulling their strings,many of whom were responsible in the first place for our slide.
So easy to instill hate and fear into an electorate reeling from domestic failures was a boon for them and they exploited it gleefully.
This is not the America I know.
I grew up in a place that had a Citizenry who strived to make things better for All knowing that is the true strength of America. Other Countries had their radical and extreme elements that we plainly saw hindered them in any quest to appease their inhabitants and we as a Nation often sought to export our ways to create peace,tranquility and domestic them.
Indeed we as a nation we that Shinning Beacon to which many aspired.

How noble and Proud we could feel in that light,a light that was almost completely extinguished by the failures of  President Bush and his cronies as they invaded the wrong country and put us on a path to ruin economically as we lost the Soul of Our nation in a misguided step to rewrite the Powers To Be in the Middle east while tens of thousands of innocent civilians died because we did not know what the fuck we were doing and could not bring ourself to admit the grievous mistake we had inflicted on People who had done us no harm.

Bullies does not even approach what we had become.
What was the difference between us and those we sought as our enemies?
They killed indiscriminately and so were we.
Lie after lie,excuse after excuse.
We created a proving ground and War Games Theater for the active training of our enemies all the while insuring they would have an enduring pool of insurgents to replenish their ranks.
This while our under supplied troops looked on at hired mercenaries making 10 times what the enlisted were payed to do the same jobs but with the exception that mercenaries were lining the coffers of their employers who lobbied Washington to keep on this path that was so rewarding to them.

“U.S. Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction Stuart W. Bowen Jr. said review found that Anham, LLC, which is based in suburban Washington, allowed its subcontractors in Iraq to also charge $3,000 for a $100 circuit breaker, and $80 for a piece of plumbing equipment worth $1.41.”
Profiteers is what they were labeled in the past and being called one during a conflict was not  praise.
Blackwater,Bechtel,KBR,Halliburton,GE,USiS and others made billions cheating the US Taxpayer and little was done to correct this even when known because of their strong ties to the Hill and in some cases a friend in the White House named Cheney.
"I ran over your son and killed your wife as I tried to flee the scene after raping her but it was war so it's ok."
No it is not.
This is what German and Japanese Soldiers said and we hung them.

Take a look at this list   

So tell me about "Republican Values".They seem to include never being wrong,so God Like I guess,so delusional I know for sure.If you still buy into that you are as sick as they are.
And that's just one injustice perpetrated with the blessing of the GOP who squashed most reports and certainly any recourse to correct wrongs done.There is so much more.

The Patriot Act

No getting around this.The worst case of knee jerk Legislation to be written and passed in the History of the Country and any and all efforts to refine and define it have met with outcry from the right as well as some Democrats who are more fearful of maintaining their seat than in representing the Will of Americans and the Constitution and Bill of Rights.It and Homeland Security are a joke and inafective.

The late Rodney King who for all his failings asked one of the most profound questions of our time"Why can't we just get along?"That is what I constantly wonder.I know we are better than this and we can solve more by coming together than by being apart. That is our strength. our solidarity,the fellowship,the inclusion,the fact that we are truly all in this together and it's not each other we should fight it is the hate, incivility and Bigotry that divides us and those who use it we should band against.
We are the greatest thought to have become a nation that has ever occurred and we need to preserve that not fall down to the gutters of society where greed,hostility and hate take the goodness of life from us as been the case for over  a decade.

Wake up America.This is not who we are.Don't let a few hateful groups be the weathervane of this Great Country.Take us back to the Country whose Honor was the guiding light of the World and made us,we Americans,the Proudest Nation on the Planet admired and beloved and the Beacon of Truth who was big enough to admit our wrongs and move ahead to correct them and make right what was wrong as we held our heads high.

We are not Gods and we should dam well stop acting like we are.

Regardless of the outcome tomorrow one thing is certain.WE should not let what these traitors to the American Way have attempted to do to the Voters go unanswered.Who the hell do they think they are ! They don't get to determine who does or does not Vote and they should be taken to task immediately for their actions in trying to subvert Democracy.A very Public trial for Violation of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (42 U.S.C. §§ 1973–1973aa-6) for sure and although I don't have it in front of me,they may have met the critierior to use the RICO Act as well.Far fetched.I don't think so.DOJ has plenty of competent personal to research this and all that is needed is the will to see it through, and if nothing else it will be presented in a Court of Law where it will be difficult for them to spin the truth that all of America and the World would hear.The truth is a death knell for the Tea Bagger Led GOP and would force the GOP reevaluate their place in US Politics.

When the playing field is level our Democracy is safe.But when you have open,blatant and unchecked Voter Suppression being led,endorsed and funded by a Party in order to steal,alter or any other illegal means to win it that is a travesty to America and can't be tolerated for any reason.
To all those who are out there braving the long lines and other obstacles that have been set in place to discourage you from casting your Vote I salute you and commend you for being there and want you to know that although  sickness keeps me from standing with you, I and millions of Americans are with you in Spirit and we have your back.

You are our Heroes, make no mistake about it, you will be remembered for your Guts and Determination to succeed in your  Right to Vote.
The Tea Party/GOP/Republicans /whatever the hell they are this week are counting on you to fold.
I know you will not.
You are the Brave,you are the Spirit,you are America.
You deserve to Vote !
Not as a privilege nor at the whims of others.
It is your Right as an American.

I feel good about tomorrow,I think Americans have seen through the lies and distortions of  Romney and the only worry is that they steal it.
What would come of that I don't even want to think of,but I have,and it is not pretty and IS what Should happen if Democracy is subverted.Our Constitution demands it.You are dealing with radical people who believe bloodshed is a good thing!They also believe Democrats will not fight.
A surprise awaits them for these miscalculations should they go that route,and it appears they are willing to do just that.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Silence of the Scams
All Americans should be outraged at the methods being used by the Tea Party GOP and its supporters to steal this election.
This is not how America works,we are not a Banana Republic or a Russian  State, North Korea,Myanmar or any of the other repressed Countries around the world whom we look down on for their lack of Democracy.
Yet here we are doing what we claim as a Nation to be wrong and immoral with other Countries and it would seem half the Nation is ok with that.
The silence of the Scam.
You have Elected Officials ignoring Judges Orders,Governors actively restricting Voting arrangements that have been in place for years so as to alter the outcome within their State.
And hoards of so called Poll Watchers sent out to intimidate and discourage American Citizens from exercising their right to cast a ballot.
These are not acceptable methods of campaigning,this is Voter Suppression.
Throwbacks to the Jim Crowe Era and the whims of White Racist Slave Owners.
If you say nothing of this and are supporting the GOP Tea Publicans then I'm hard pressed to believe you are not a Racist too.
Why wouldn't I if you have chosen to remain silent while those who represent you carry out these treasonous plans to subvert Democracy for your Parties Political gain.
Your ideas, hatred and dishonesty is the reason you are where you are,a dying and dwindling group of angry old white people and low information blue collar Southern Whites who are so gullible they can be convinced to Vote against their own interests with a smile on their face.
And yes I realize you have been able to extend your reach to other parts of the Country bringing together Bigots,Pro life Murderers,Incest and Rape supporters and fake Christians to band together to "Save " "your Country".
Hows it feel to be a minority?
You must be pretty tired of doing all that hating for the last 4 years.
Maybe you should relax for the next 4 and see how Democrats will once again return the Country to solvency even as your Party stands on the brakes to try and keep the Black Man from succeeding.
Don't you feel small?
Is your heart so black you can no longer see the truth?
And those of you who claim to be Christians you are the saddest of all.You do the exact opposite of what Christ taught.
Your shame should cause you to drop to your knees and ask forgiveness for your sin.
I have never in my life been ashamed of America and always proud of what we stand for,but I'm not only ashamed of but also disgusted with those who claim to be Americans but are silent about Voter Suppression,Hate and Racism of the Tea Party led GOP.
This is not "Your Country".America belongs to all Americans you self righteous twits.The Civil War is over.You lost.Get over it.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

We Can Do This

I know it's late in the game, but the Tea Party led GOP and their vast money machine  is in full swing and dumping millions into races across the Country to bury the truth and I can't,won't and haven't given up because I know that as bad as things are they are better than they were.

I know that these radicals are supporting the ideas and the very people who helped to bring this Country to the brink and slow done our recovery.

Their obstructionism  and distortion of the facts has indeed had the negative effect they desired for their own political gain.Their primary goal was to make President Obama a one term President and any and all means to that end is acceptable to them.

We must not allow this warped political ploy be successful for the very soul of the Nation is at stake.What they have orchestrated is unprecedented and an assault on Democracy that must be countered.

 Your rights the rights of your children and theirs are in jeopardy like they have not been since the days of the Robber Barons.

Americans did not stand by or give up then and neither shall we.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Here They Come
Here they come. They make no secret of their intentions. So entitled to this Country, they believe it is theirs to Rule.It's easy for them.Anyone who does not agree does not get to Vote and they will badger, intimidate, lie, cheat, steal ,confuse and ignore Law to get their way like any bully.

I began writing about this after a trip to Houston in 2010 where I witnessed the actions of the King Street Patriots*. The name is so misrepresentative of their demeanor and actions it's stunning.Letters to AG Holder at first acknowledged eventually returned no response and no action till recently way after these clowns got a big head.It's the same old same old.Fail to enforce a Law will always lead to more abuse of those laws and a re enforcement of these groups of cowards actions.

Wrapped in the Flag and claiming to be Patriotic while they go about intimidating and questioning other's right to freely cast their Vote is a low point in our society.
With weapons clearly displayed in defiance of Laws Prohibiting such Brandishing** they went unchallenged to a large degree and now expanded across the Country.

Think about it. American Citizens stopping other Citizens from voting thru the guise of Voter Fraud that does not exist in the forms they claim. THEY ARE THE VOTER FRAUD.They do exactly what they claim they are against and get away with it.


If FEC and DOJ won't do anything what are Law Biding Citizens to do ? Well.the regrettable but necessary answer is to fight them with our presence at the Polling Places. To put up a Firewall between them and the Voters.

Westboro Baptist Church Radicals got a taste of this deterrant from Students at Texas A&M when they attempted to disrupt a Funeral for a Fallen Soldier.And it worked. It would work here also but I admit it could and probably will result in bloodshed. But this is what is left to be done at this late stage as Local,Federal Agencies ignored repeated warnings from 2010 and only within the last six months have mounted any Legal remedies which at best will only dampen,or tone down these treacherous endeavors.

 Others have died for the Right To Vote in the Past. I'm afraid that possibility is close at hand in many States. Can you blame us for wanting this confrontation ? I think not and I think it's time to do it.

The Republicans have stolen previous elections with the help of the SCOTUS and they know that this is now in their bag of tools. The adrenalin of Hate is a drug to them.No ethics,no morals,no conscience. Only their goal matters in their twisted minds.


I'm lucky I live in a state with Mail In Ballots in most Counties and will not be subjected to this.But in one County that happens to hold the largest amount of Minority Voters it does come into play as Ballots are cast at Polling Places.

Even though I'm dealing with Medical Issues I have volunteered to be a visible deterrent to these Assholes and I'm  perfectly willing to stand my ground with any who would take up this practice,hell I welcome it.Years of working in NY City while carrying large amounts of cash late at night let me hone my "Presence" to ward off muggers by simple gestures once they approached so I know the game.I understood those who sought to rob me,they were junkies,low lifes and unfortunates caught up in a life of strife. They were trying to survive and I formed no ill toward them,only a desire to not be a victim.

 But this is different. These so called Patriots purpose is to steal something far more valuable to people and in the most despicable un Patriotic way.

I'm not promoting violence, I'm saying we must push back on these morons,many of whom will turn tail and run when confronted by an equal force,I mean why do you think they are so blatant in the first place ? They think only they have guns evidently and sticking one in their face the way they do to others more often than not results in them running away.Wild West denizens they are not,just armed bullies who need to be shown the era of their ways.

They have never stopped fighting the Civil War in the South and Texans are in the forefront in demanding the rest of us conform to their whims and now have exported their skewed perception of reality to other parts of the Country with Tea Party backing.

Do Something.Don't let this continue to happen.Be vocal.Write a letter to your paper or News outlets.


Texas Law

**A license holder commits an offense if the license holder carries a handgun on or about the license holder's person under the authority of Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code, and intentionally fails to conceal the handgun.

"Concealed handgun" means a handgun, the presence of
which is not openly discernible to the ordinary observation of a reasonable