Don't Blame Us !
As with many of these trageties, Gun Laws and Regulation,or lack of them,would probably not have altered this event let alone prevent it.Nuts are nuts and people go crazy all the time so a person determined to commit mayhem will not be deterred and innocents will be victims simply being in the wrong place at the time Joe Nutcase goes off.
20 Children gone and six adults who had done nothing to provoke this guy are dead and the big question and concern is that the NRA not be involved with or spoken of in regards to Gun Violence ?
Lets be clear here.
Americans should be against the NRA Leadership(Lobby)and their stranglehold of gun laws here.These are not people representing sportsman they are the MOUTH of the GUN LOBBY and represent the Billions of Dollars spent to see the Gun Makers get what they want,not whats best for America.
They told the IACP to f*ck themselves because of their support of Hi Cap Mags and Assault Weapon Ban.
Military syle weapons are everywhere they shouldn't be and Police and innocents die daily because of them.
Their Million Dollar Man Wayne LaPierre is an ENEMY to the Country as well as a liar and Traitor.
They, the NRA, don't give a shit about you or your kids unless you're going to buy a gun, and they write the Laws about what they can sell, who to and where they can do that and blame the Government for anything that goes wrong.Real Assholes many seem to love so much they vote for their bought Lawmakers to keep that power, foolish.
Wake Up.If You glowify war embrace torture and allow any idiot to get a weapon easier than a Drivers License, what the f*ck did you expect could happen ?
The fucking Country is turned gun happy pseudo Constitutionalists now and say this guy wouldn't be deterred if we had reasonable laws and all so don't do anything !You are MORONS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You believe this shit and then bitch ?
Got a reason,and there are plenty of legitimate ones,to have a piece fine.
But Assault Weapons and Hi Cap Clips? Who the fuck do you think you are Pretty Boy Floyd or Capone ?
The NRA should go back to their beginnings of promoting Safety and Instruction not legislating law to benefit Gun Makers,CEOs and Sales Managers so we can get to some real effective Rules and Laws to enforce them.
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