The Democrats have time on their side. If we go over this fiscal cliff, all the draconian spending cuts will be triggered. Along with that, the Bush tax cuts end. And that is why the GOP wants to hammer out a deal before December 31 — if the Spending Controls Act of 2011 goes into effect, it would be easy enough to put the genie back in the bottle on nearly everything; restore funding for various programs and even restore tax levels for the poor and middle class. But the GOP knows they will never get the top two tiers of the tax cuts back and they won’t get the spending cuts they want. The president wouldn’t sign any such legislation. And once again they would be the obstructionists
Plus, the Democrats control the Senate, as much as they can with the filibuster. But, the Democrats are going to change the rules for the filibuster, which will make it harder to use the tactic. In his six years as Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid (D-NV) has had to face 386 filibusters, more than any majority leader in U.S. history. That’s about 220 more than his immediate Republican predecessors — combined.
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