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Rick Scott actively suppressing the Voters of his State caused these lines |
After 4 years of manufactured discontent bolstered by hate and fear produced by the losing side in a Presidential Election are we now ready to be serious about the very solvable problems we face as a nation or is this just the beginning of another foolish stalemate organized and presented by the children who control the GOP in a quest to gain political power at all costs including the destruction of the American Way which they have so fervently pursued for the last term and which many would say,including myself,was an act of treason for denying the President the means to carry out his Lawfully entitled mandates as the President of the United States of America.
Tell me the difference between the GOP holding the Country hostage to get their way and Al Qaeda attacking us to destroy lives and destroy our economy exactly as OBL had planned.
Little did he know he would have the GOP to help him in his quest.Those who screamed loudest of their Patriotism were indeed his greatest allies as they squandered the Good Will of the World towards us after 9/11 and proceeded to divide this Nation and turn what could have been a resounding slap in the face to those who attacked us into a plan to gain power,money and control for them and their backers.SICK.
All my life I have watched as these so called Patriots have manipulated,lied and cheated to get their way.
For years I believed it was but a small consist of these anti democratic fools who had found their way to DC and that their Party would Police them as had been done in the past.
There have always been fringe or radical members on the Hill but civility and common sense has for the most part been the check valve for that on both sides of the isle.
The rise of the Tea Party and their mis guided and absolutely un American means to an end mentality removed that mechanism from the GOP membership and reduced the Party to little more than a Domestic Terror Group who used the Halls of Congress and their power to coerce a Nation into accepting their terms and all else be dammed.
This from the losing side of a Presidential Race who decided to stomp and pout to get their way never mind that a majority of Americans voted for Obama.
They vowed to make him a one term President and would subvert the Constitution to do so if needed and would use any and all dirty tricks to accomplish their mission.
In with the Tea Baggers and all control of the GOP was ceded to these errant miscreants who would take the power and proceed to "Rule" rather than legislate.
Breaking rules bending the law and ignoring others would become SOP and soon it would become apparent that these elected officials were beholden to those behind the curtain pulling their strings,many of whom were responsible in the first place for our slide.
So easy to instill hate and fear into an electorate reeling from domestic failures was a boon for them and they exploited it gleefully.
This is not the America I know.
I grew up in a place that had a Citizenry who strived to make things better for All knowing that is the true strength of America. Other Countries had their radical and extreme elements that we plainly saw hindered them in any quest to appease their inhabitants and we as a Nation often sought to export our ways to create peace,tranquility and domestic prosperity.to them.
Indeed we as a nation we that Shinning Beacon to which many aspired.

How noble and Proud we could feel in that light,a light that was almost completely extinguished by the failures of President Bush and his cronies as they invaded the wrong country and put us on a path to ruin economically as we lost the Soul of Our nation in a misguided step to rewrite the Powers To Be in the Middle east while tens of thousands of innocent civilians died because we did not know what the fuck we were doing and could not bring ourself to admit the grievous mistake we had inflicted on People who had done us no harm.
Bullies does not even approach what we had become.
What was the difference between us and those we sought as our enemies?
They killed indiscriminately and so were we.
Lie after lie,excuse after excuse.
We created a proving ground and War Games Theater for the active training of our enemies all the while insuring they would have an enduring pool of insurgents to replenish their ranks.
This while our under supplied troops looked on at hired mercenaries making 10 times what the enlisted were payed to do the same jobs but with the exception that mercenaries were lining the coffers of their employers who lobbied Washington to keep on this path that was so rewarding to them.
What was the difference between us and those we sought as our enemies?
They killed indiscriminately and so were we.
Lie after lie,excuse after excuse.
We created a proving ground and War Games Theater for the active training of our enemies all the while insuring they would have an enduring pool of insurgents to replenish their ranks.
This while our under supplied troops looked on at hired mercenaries making 10 times what the enlisted were payed to do the same jobs but with the exception that mercenaries were lining the coffers of their employers who lobbied Washington to keep on this path that was so rewarding to them.
“U.S. Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction Stuart W. Bowen Jr. said review found that Anham, LLC, which is based in suburban Washington, allowed its subcontractors in Iraq to also charge $3,000 for a $100 circuit breaker, and $80 for a piece of plumbing equipment worth $1.41.”
Profiteers is what they were labeled in the past and being called one during a conflict was not praise.
Blackwater,Bechtel,KBR,Halliburton,GE,USiS and others made billions cheating the US Taxpayer and little was done to correct this even when known because of their strong ties to the Hill and in some cases a friend in the White House named Cheney.
"I ran over your son and killed your wife as I tried to flee the scene after raping her but it was war so it's ok."
No it is not.
This is what German and Japanese Soldiers said and we hung them.
Take a look at this list
So tell me about "Republican Values".They seem to include never being wrong,so God Like I guess,so delusional I know for sure.If you still buy into that you are as sick as they are.
And that's just one injustice perpetrated with the blessing of the GOP who squashed most reports and certainly any recourse to correct wrongs done.There is so much more.
The Patriot Act
No getting around this.The worst case of knee jerk Legislation to be written and passed in the History of the Country and any and all efforts to refine and define it have met with outcry from the right as well as some Democrats who are more fearful of maintaining their seat than in representing the Will of Americans and the Constitution and Bill of Rights.It and Homeland Security are a joke and inafective.
The late Rodney King who for all his failings asked one of the most profound questions of our time"Why can't we just get along?"That is what I constantly wonder.I know we are better than this and we can solve more by coming together than by being apart. That is our strength. our solidarity,the fellowship,the inclusion,the fact that we are truly all in this together and it's not each other we should fight it is the hate, incivility and Bigotry that divides us and those who use it we should band against.
We are the greatest thought to have become a nation that has ever occurred and we need to preserve that not fall down to the gutters of society where greed,hostility and hate take the goodness of life from us as been the case for over a decade.
Wake up America.This is not who we are.Don't let a few hateful groups be the weathervane of this Great Country.Take us back to the Country whose Honor was the guiding light of the World and made us,we Americans,the Proudest Nation on the Planet admired and beloved and the Beacon of Truth who was big enough to admit our wrongs and move ahead to correct them and make right what was wrong as we held our heads high.
We are not Gods and we should dam well stop acting like we are.
Regardless of the outcome tomorrow one thing is certain.WE should not let what these traitors to the American Way have attempted to do to the Voters go unanswered.Who the hell do they think they are ! They don't get to determine who does or does not Vote and they should be taken to task immediately for their actions in trying to subvert Democracy.A very Public trial for Violation of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (42 U.S.C. §§ 1973–1973aa-6) for sure and although I don't have it in front of me,they may have met the critierior to use the RICO Act as well.Far fetched.I don't think so.DOJ has plenty of competent personal to research this and all that is needed is the will to see it through, and if nothing else it will be presented in a Court of Law where it will be difficult for them to spin the truth that all of America and the World would hear.The truth is a death knell for the Tea Bagger Led GOP and would force the GOP reevaluate their place in US Politics.
When the playing field is level our Democracy is safe.But when you have open,blatant and unchecked Voter Suppression being led,endorsed and funded by a Party in order to steal,alter or any other illegal means to win it that is a travesty to America and can't be tolerated for any reason.
To all those who are out there braving the long lines and other obstacles that have been set in place to discourage you from casting your Vote I salute you and commend you for being there and want you to know that although sickness keeps me from standing with you, I and millions of Americans are with you in Spirit and we have your back.
You are our Heroes, make no mistake about it, you will be remembered for your Guts and Determination to succeed in your Right to Vote.
The Tea Party/GOP/Republicans /whatever the hell they are this week are counting on you to fold.
I know you will not.
You are the Brave,you are the Spirit,you are America.
You deserve to Vote !
Not as a privilege nor at the whims of others.
It is your Right as an American.
I feel good about tomorrow,I think Americans have seen through the lies and distortions of Romney and the only worry is that they steal it.
What would come of that I don't even want to think of,but I have,and it is not pretty and IS what Should happen if Democracy is subverted.Our Constitution demands it.You are dealing with radical people who believe bloodshed is a good thing!They also believe Democrats will not fight.
A surprise awaits them for these miscalculations should they go that route,and it appears they are willing to do just that.
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