Wake Up,You're Being Robbed!
Collectively, the Waltons control over 48% of the company, and are worth a combined total of $102.7 billion (as of 2012) In 2011 six members of the Walton family have the same net worth as the bottom 30% of American families combined.
But It's Not Enough for the Greed Machine You Subsidize.

They screw you with their mostly junk false bargains that YOU pay them to make you think are bargains.By not treating their employees,vender's and ANYONE associated with WalMart with a decent job or profits while they make obscene profits,remember that Local, State and other Tax codes and breaks were in almost all cases given them to operate that store.
Maximizing profits has destroyed much of independent retail in this Country so Americans can get so called bargains and this is the Company who showed how to do it.

That inexpensive backpack you just got the kid was cheap at check out,but the hidden cost to you and your community are immoral and the reason your school may have had to alter school programs or even eliminate them.
Still think that's a "Bargain"?
They are the single biggest factor in the loss of Manufacturing here in the US to China in order to pay pennies on the dollar for Labor that includes Children and Forced Labor to make product.The whole China thing is so despictable it will require another post later but is easily researched,so as I always say don't take my word for it,nor do I expect you too,check it out yourself.
What you may not know, even though it was publicized years(1990's) before, is that many of those products are made to Walmart's specs to increase their profits,not the value to you of the item.Two identical appearing items,especially big ticket products such as TVs, although appearing identical contain subpar components and often have a far less lifespan than the same item purchased elsewhere.This is why you can't always make a true comparison because the SKU is only found at Walmart for whom it was designed for only.
Far more items are simply "Branded" for them with once Quality Names that are now simply"Licensing"entities who are basically in cahoots with Walmart to trick you into thinking it a premiere product.
That's from the lack of ethics that permeates our Retail sector these days and our job should be to be smart enough to force companies such as Walmart to change their policies to that of a reputable company who balances profit with value and most of all lets its work force share in their good fortune in order to maintain employee spirit and self worth and a wage that will allow them to live in America as it was in visioned by those who created this Great Experiment in Democracy.
Do we not know why they came to these shores or do you think it too corny or out of date to not want to be used as a pawn for the Rich to be richer as you struggle to put food on your table and see that your Children have decent schools,healthcare and Public services to protect them such as Police,Fire,and all the organization to see you and them lead a fruitful and rewarding life.Is it so much to ask for them to have some time to spend with their Family on a Day that is supposed to represent the very essence of Family,Sharing and Compassion,the Day we give Thanks for the giving and receiving of Good Will.
The whole premise of Walmart is to dominate by destruction of competition and they have proved they are Masters at this. But it could only have been successful because WE allow it. They steal,yes STEAL, money from you everyday wether you shop there or not.
Who do you think foots the bill for the thousands who have no choice but to work for WalMart at poverty level income that forces them to use Public assistance for Medical,Food or other needs they are unable to afford on the meager income they receive? It was designed by Walmart to take advantage of Public Tax Dollars to keep their profits at the ever increasing upward spiral,NEVER satisfied with those high profits and determined to destroy anyone who would say "When will you share your good fortune with those who helped you get it?"
It's not a Bargain it's a Travesty to the American Way they Walmart have so gleefully destroyed and I don't think would be approve by Founder Sam Walton.
Walmart as Worlds Greatest retailer is a myth.
They do not operate as a retailer but as a Dictatorial Entity demanding of all and beholden to none but themselves all the while suckling at the Public Teet.
Have we become so selfish and uncaring we will not take a stand? I think better of us as a Society when we move together to force change.
I don't want to see Walmart go out of business nor would I think it possible(many of you don't give dam about this as you struggle to stay afloat,understandably)but we must continue to make it clear that we are aware of their indecent business practices and their lack of Community Awareness as displayed through their actions.
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Does This Look Right to You?Is this what you want done to People simply looking to be heard? |
Many Corporations are successful without disregarding the needs of their workforce and do all they can to insure a decent workplace environment for them and a wage that they can live on.
That's all I and others are asking for WalMark and their Sub Contractor employees.
As for Walmart,start paying your Fair Share to the Cities and Towns you operate in.cease your relentless pursuit and destruction of those who are attempting to orgainise your Labor Force to insure Fair Treatment of them. It would not have started if you, Walmart did not create the dismal conditions you force them to endure.
And if we are so dam "God Loving" a Nation as we say we should ALL be out there making sure our fellow Citizens are treated with respect and Dignity.
We're Americans,lets get back to acting like ones and show we give a dam about our Brothers and Sisters and not just how cheap we can get a 50" Big Screen TV.
Walmart will be fine even if they treat their employees as people and not Chattel.
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