Wednesday, September 5, 2012

To Those Who Are Still Confused 

A Friend  posted a statement that accused President Obama of Spending his first term blaming George Bush.I had to reply.

"Obama did not spend his First Term blaming George Bush. He did agree with  experts who pointed out that Republican Policies initiated  by Bush led to the demise of the surplus left him by Clinton and the economic disaster that resulted. I know facts and Tea  Publicans don't mix but I say them in hopes of reality sinking in.
The President has spent his first term successfully avoiding a Depression,saving millions of jobs,the US Auto Industry,making sure YOU and your lovely Grandchildren will be able to have healthcare and getting OBL the Terrorist  who killed over 3000 people because Bush ignored a Intel Report that said "Osama Bin Laden determined to attack in the US"  and then  turned a World who was almost completely behind us after 9/11 to view us as bullies after we invaded the wrong country, and lied to Americans do it, and made them wonder where the hell our MORALS had gone,all while  ignoring ignorant non factual insults from Racists,bigots and hateful people who can't admit when they were wrong and seem to be  still fighting the Civil War or simply can't stand that a Black Man is in the White House.
Carter failed at rescuing our Hostages  but he  did not invade the wrong country, squander a surplus left him by the prior administration and proceed to tank the economy and make the rest of the world look down on us as Mr Bush did.
Reagan bought the Hostages release by selling Arms to Iran  while lying to America about it to insure his election and once in office tripled the debt,raised Taxes seven times sold a fairy tale called"Trickle Down Economics" which didn't and still does not work and run a secret war against the law and the wishes of Congress.
I have said before Reagan should be commended for  the Fall of The Wall caused by his strong warnings to the Soviets from his  excellent oratory,and I'm grateful we got the Hostages home no matter how.
Other than that he started us on a decades long trip to economic Hell,lied to the American People and Congress and refused to deal with the Aids epidemic that took the lives of so many including my Daughter.I take that very personal.she was not Gay or a drug user as Mr Reagan believed you must be to get "The Gay Disease" he believed it was,so spare me the rhetoric and lets deal with facts.
And by the way,by today's Tea Bagger led GOP standards, Reagan would be considered a Liberal and would be ostracized by the Right and wouldn't even win a primary."

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