It is unfortunate many people who have not found work don't realize it is because of the road blocks put in front of them by the GOP, not President Obama.
Plan after plan proposed by the President was disposed of by the Tea Party led Right in the House
as they were giving sound bites to Media asking "Where Are The Jobs"
Well, many of them were shipped out of the country with GOP help and the Job Bills the President Proposed could not even be brought to the floor in most cases and those that were got voted down.
The Infrastructure plans that were in the initial Stimulus were severely cut back in order to give Tax Breaks that were not needed but the GOP demanded they be included and Hog Tied Dems accepted in order to move the plan forward.
Those proposals alone would have created thousands of jobs and improved our crumbling roads, bridges and other vital needs.
I realize to people who are consumed by their search for work might give little thought as to who exactly has impeded them and just release their frustration on all Government but this is playing into the hands of those who have kept them down simply so they can regain power,purely political reasoning of denying the President any success.Wow.
They have used you as pawns in their efforts to get the Black Man out of the White House. And they have repeat ably said so.
These are not typical American Political tactics and those few true Republicans that said so were removed and others have choose to leave, many of them multi term Lawmakers who have records of accomplishment as they know the way to legislate is find common ground or compromise Our Country would not even exist if these methods were not employed.
I can't begin to imagine what it must feel like to be looking for months on end and feel badly that this is happening to them.
What makes me more upset is that there were and are solutions but those on the Right simply don't care because they are beholden to the Tea Party.How else would you explain their not voting for Bills they once proposed or previously agreed to but now refused to even allow to come to the floor for a vote.
As bad as it is for you the unemployed please remember you still hold a vital tool in ending your search and returning to prosperity,your Vote !
Vote with reason and facts not hate and misdirected anger at those who have tried to help.
We don't just need the President re elected we need to regain control of the House and retain the Senate or we will incur the same grid lock we have have seen since misdirected anger brought the Tea Baggers to Washington.To them it's your fault you're jobless and they have said that again and again.
Democrats have stumbled in some of their efforts but most failure came from, and still does, the Obstruction.
If you do not Vote or Vote against the President you are doing EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT you to do so they can regain power.
They are the Party that got us into this mess.
I feel for you but must say you will be cutting your throat if you fail to support the only Party who tried to help you.
Don't be a sucker.Thats what the GOP thinks you are.
They planned it,executed it and now are looking to you to reward them for their trickery and downright unAmerican actions.
We need your help so we can help you.
Give the President the tools he needs to overcome the Obstructionist on the Hill.
Vote Obama,Vote Democrats back into control of the Hill and you will help yourself.
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