Do You Not Understand English ?
Racism is alive and well in the USA. Sponsored by and brought to you through the Tea Bagger Led GOP Republicans Bigots and the Assholes who follow them and are too CHICKEN to stand up for America.
This as they lecture the rest of us on how to be "Patriots".
What a scam half the Nation appears to have bought as they show how little they will actually do to protect YOUR RIGHTS as they scream that YOU are Destroying Theirs and use Church,GOD,Guns,Bullies,Morons,Cheats ,thieves,Bomb Throwing,Murders and Murderers against PRO Choice People,Sucker Punching COWARDS,Fake News,Paid Liars,unsuspecting homeless (that they helped to make homeless),Veterans,Elderly they lie to and scare and so on to support their vile hate filled self righteous views.Only they know what is right or wrong they say and you don't count,your Vote means nothing to these"GOD Fearing"Bible Thumping pieces of meat so blind with hatred they can not see the truth and live their days in fear of everything and everyone around them.
So now treat them the way they treat you.
Get in their face.
That's what they think they want.
The leaders will scream,holler and then go away as the truth escapes your mouth,the followers will step back and fade,and the Big Mouths will run or hide.
For those of you who encounter the "Armed Patriot"you need only let them know that,if like I and my friends, you too are "Armed" and unless they have a good reason and a hell of a lot of experience they might want to back the fuck off of that type of intimidation because it will be met with equal and devastating force should they not heed your prudent advice to provide you your "space" and that furthermore you will see to it that their actions are brought to the attention of the proper issuing authorities and that the recording you have of the incident has been provided to the Local News Outlets as well as YouTube and other Social Networks eager to make them a Star. Their Employers will love the Publicity.
Want to "Talk Yet?"Or are you still on blustery Bullshit and Propaganda or as I call it "Neo Teapublican Educational Disinformation Syndrome".
I have access to 40 years of Law Enforcement Contacts I'm sure I can accommodate many of you with a lead as to your local Official who will be glad to add them to a neat little list they are all building since 2001 and will see them go through some Federal Government Oversight they never saw coming. How ya like me now ?
Oh My,I just read this and wow it sure seems like I made what could be construed as"Threats"to others I feel are a "threat" to me. Broke one of my Cardinal Rules. Or Did I? Let me see.
Just using the only kind of wording you Self-aggrandizing Ignorant Holier Than Thou Self Appointed Law Breakers seem to hear. You don't like reasonable,don't believe in facts and truth,fail to understand the meaning of or what is logic,and seem to be the only people who know where to find the Uni Corns and the Russians massed at the Boarders to invade us.
BTW do you guys know what "Winning:" a contest means ?
Come on tell me.Are you the guys following the Referees home after they declared the team with the highest score the Winner of the Ball Game and it wasn't your kids team ?
A real bomb shell here.
That is how it works you see.
You don't get to say you "Won " the contest unless you did.
What a concept,huh?
I'm sure at one time someone explained this to you if you had a problem grasping this simple concept of life.
It really is everywhere you look.
Nothing new here.
No One is trying to "Trick You".
You simply "Lost" .
And you lost the Presidential Election also. AGAIN!!!
Now Children realize this.
Most People who understand the English Language also are aware as well.And it seems the VAST Majority of the World,it's People and their Leaders also understand.
The US Courts Agree.
Those of us who voted and were in greater number than you and your Gun,Pastor,Priest,Minister,Person who thinks for you,Person who tells you what to think,Roger,Bill O'Reilly,Rush.Glen,Sean, Generic FOX AIRHEAD or even Rupert the Thief from Down Under, just too many possibilities to list here,man you guys got it tough thankfully they seem to all agree on a daily lie or distortion so you can be easily convinced that George Washington freed the Slaves and Michelle Bachman knows what she is talking about.
FOX even knows !
You can try again.Good Luck on that.It should prove hilarious,I fear I won't be here to see it,but what a Hoot it should be.If you think you had to Bus in a lot of pretend supporters this time wait and see how empty those rooms will be next time probably emptier than the Indiana Statehouse the day after they arrested the Grand Klan Man David Curtiss"Steve" Stephenson for Rape and Kidnapping.In 1925 Stephenson was tried and convicted in a notorious abduction, rape and murder of a young white schoolteacher, a state education official and trying to make a meal of her while on an Express Train.Great reading if you missed this.It's TRUE that this happened and what occurred as a result of the Grand Dragon being convicted along with over 2/3rds of the Elected Officials of that State.Man we had Crooks in my State,but these guys were sex fiends and cannibals who thought they were above the Law as they methodically Raped a woman and refused her Medical Attention that led to her DEATH.

That IS what happens when you let the wrong people have power and then look the other way.
You think those clowns who manipulated their way into DC are any different?They sure don't talk or act any different,they've been caught in a variety of schemes and lies and broken laws with little done to call them on it.Are we waiting for them to "Lynch"someone or Rape your Sister or stick something up her Virginia for there twisted Medically Un Advised reason because their Church tells them to?
WTF Over! Enough of this SHIT.
You can write all the fucking Laws you want in your backward Church Ass Kissing State,that does not surpass The Bill Of Rights or The Constitution without an Amendment that you will never get.You are the American Taliban.Go Fuck Yourselves and leave us alone.
Stick something up your own ass and twist if you need a thrill, you SICK MORONIC SADIST.
We will defeat you and we're sure as fuck not scared of you small dicked mindless assholes.