From Huffington Post
A Recent study confirms it:
"Well, now it’s official. What we liberals always suspected has been proven by science — conservatives’ brains are messed up, which is why they think and act the way they do.
According to a new study published in Current Biology, there is a marked contrast between liberal and conservative brains:
Substantial differences exist in the cognitive styles of liberals and conservatives on psychological measures . Variability in political attitudes reflects genetic influences and their interaction with environmental factors . Recent work has shown a correlation between liberalism and conflict-related activity measured by event-related potentials originating in the anterior cingulate cortex . Here we show that this functional correlate of political attitudes has a counterpart in brain structure. In a large sample of young adults, we related self-reported political attitudes to gray matter volume using structural MRI. We found that greater liberalism was associated with increased gray matter volume in the anterior cingulate cortex, whereas greater conservatism was associated with increased volume of the right amygdala.
right amygdala is the section of the brain that is of the fear factor"
OK now what part makes them LIE habitually,ignore fact and deny reality ?gb
Clinton raised taxes on the super-rich and America prospered like never before.
Bush cut taxes for the super-rich, drastically, and America went bankrupt.
It's that simple.
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