Last Push...Democracy Endangered
Our Fellow Wisconsin 99% are on the spot.Outspent 25 to 1 with more ungrateful Robber Baron Dollars pooring in.
"I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts." Lincoln
"Once you make up your mind,
facts are but a mere annoyance..." Ronald Reagan
June 5 will be the first test of what the SCOTUS has brought upon this Nation through the politicizing of that Institution.
I never thought that you could fool so many people with false claims.
The shear absurdity of many claims requires no more than common sense it would seem.
Are people really more gullible today than say 10 or 20 years ago ?
I believe this may be so.To be able to get people to vote against their own self interests is an indication.
I'm no genius but I can recall back in the early 90's when unproven and unlikely claims for products became accepted as fact by educated people simply because they heard those claims so much.I know this is no news flash.But I never remember in my lifetime so many being gullible enough to make these marketing campaigns successful.Those products claims were eventually challenged and proved dubious or outright lies and the companies were fined.Public protected.
In the world of Politics the debunking of false accusations and claims was the domain of the so called "Fourth Estate",but sadly this has become a thing of the past as News today is simply treated as a cash cow by Media Outlets with few exceptions and out and out propaganda for a Political Party is allowed to be broadcast as "News" by FOX masquerading as a legitimate News Organization.
The GOP has methodically dismantled all safe guards against blatant misinformation over the last 20 years and the dumbing down of the American People has produced many successes from it.
To fool the public in order to win elections is un American.
There has always been Dirty Tricks in Politics,but not without a counter to allow the Public to have access to the other side or the truth.
The Broadcast Media,as well as many Print outlets failed to ask the questions needed to prevent us from invading a country that had nothing to do with 9/11 and costing the lives of our Military Men and Women.We know now that many were merely mouthpieces of Bush's Propaganda Machine.Shameful.
And it continues today,but with more counters available but unknown to much of the Public.Current TV is one such Broadcast Outlet.WHO ? That's the problem.Many don't have access to it and others the time to seek it out.
The Internet is also a source of reality but not everyone is inclined to sit in front of a screen all day to fact check or seek truths and many don't even have access.
With all this in mind,the People of Wisconsin have had to use true Grass Roots methods to get their message out while the 1% buys up all the air time and runs outright lies to confuse and discourage the electorate.These People are not just fighting for themselves,they are fighting for American Way and the preservation of the Middle Class.They are fighting for ALL OF US.
This is a fight we can not afford to lose.It will set the stage for November and the future of our Society.
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