What will it Take?
Still don't believe in the effects of Climate Change ? Exactly what the experts told us would happen has and is happening.But faster ! Jeeze!Will the politicians who led the clowns to hide their heads in the sand,scream that they had the timing wrong.I don't know who to be madder at.The Idiot Politicians or the Morons who keep electing them as long they hate gays and anyone who does not think like them.We had years to get a handle on this if we worked together.But no. these idiots had to go after Clinton,then Gore and anyone else who spoke the truth about this. Well,How do you like it now ? If you had spent more time listening to what we needed to do instead of fixating on "guns,gays and abortion" you self righteous fools we might not have gone past the tipping point.I thought we passed it about the time George Bush said he didn't care about Osama Bin Laden much.Yea and if he had followed thru with the assessment that OBL was "determined to strike"in the US we might not have had 9/11.
So after f**king up royally and not finishing a damn thing, they want another shot.Sit down,shut the FUCK UP and decide if you want to help or get the fuck out of the way. You're a Moron if you need more proof! gb
This is a repost from May of LAST YEAR. It's still relavant,unforturnately,today.
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