I thought today being Sunday I should devote some time to Religion, but as a Recovering Catholic I don't think I have a good perception of other cults,I mean Religions, so if you follow the link you can become enlightened "Because facts are Satan's Sneakiest weapons" Mrs Betty Bowers
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Burn the Witch! OOPS thats for when Hillary runs.
Hang the N***** !
So Romney is the Successful one and the President is some dumb cluck. Obama was straddled with the results of Bushes Wars,Tax Cuts,Drug Giveaways and the excesses of Wall St,Banks and all the other gifts.
The GOP immediately,in lock step, swore to deny the President any support whatsoever. That is near treasonous to me. And they have kept their word, slowing down efforts to avert disaster by the People Elected in an honest election with a margin that was a "mandate", as they call it after their electioneering to steal the election didn't work. Now they want the "nigger" out of the" their " White House.
Despite them The President still averted a Depression, got Wall ST Pumping , saved GM and Chrysler and the thousands of jobs that are related to it.If the vendors were hurt it would affect Foreign Car makers,as well, who build here.
Romney said let em die and the guys who screamed "Where Are The Jobs" to America's unemployed, who desperate,were easy prey to the rhetoric,inexplicably forgetting that these are the very people who have blocked their relief and brought us this nightmare,agreed.
If the Bush Tax cuts were gone the deficit would look very different. The fact that they fucked up so bad won't let them do the right thing lest someone say a Black Man Fixed What a White Man,George Bush and is near decade of incompetency broke.
The Stimulus was a mistake though. Yea, it should have been exactly as was proposed by the President,not the cut up piece we got after the right wing played their games. AND IT STILL WORKED !!!Had the initially Proposed Plan been put in place we would be correcting infrastructure,thousands more Americans would be working and the economy would be further along in it's recovery. Hi Speed Rail would bring the country into the Conservation Era. But the all knowing GAS and OIL PARTY who have all the time in the world for GUNS, GAYS and ABORTION,would have no part of solutions. This is not your Farther's Right Wing,they are nothing I can ever remember and I've been paying attention since Watergate.
Anyone not sure these are racist crackers just look at how they handled the OBL Raid and the Presidents decision making ability,remember they say they are "Patriots".They need to look it up.
Now once again they have a guy who's all Hat. Elect him so he can return us to the Bush Era,and people actually listen to this dribble. Only Race and Hate can explain this. And it's time we make it known because it has already divided us and ignoring the reality won't change it.
This election cycle will see intimadation from these so called Patriots on a scale not to be believed.I hope I'm wrong.But evidence says it going to happen.
These are not people to be reasoned with.They don't want to talk.They see us as THE ENEMY and will resort to any means to defeat or even Eliminate us.They have always been around but their numbers are growing and they now have alignments with actual US Politicians and others in posistions of authority.Look up the history of Indiana to see how far hate groups can become involved in the political process,the KKK ran that State for a period of time.
There are far more good decent fair minded Americans than these extremists,we just have to stand up and show up at the Polls and help each other to be there.
Outside My Window
Breakfast this morning
Hang the N***** !
So Romney is the Successful one and the President is some dumb cluck. Obama was straddled with the results of Bushes Wars,Tax Cuts,Drug Giveaways and the excesses of Wall St,Banks and all the other gifts.
The GOP immediately,in lock step, swore to deny the President any support whatsoever. That is near treasonous to me. And they have kept their word, slowing down efforts to avert disaster by the People Elected in an honest election with a margin that was a "mandate", as they call it after their electioneering to steal the election didn't work. Now they want the "nigger" out of the" their " White House.
Despite them The President still averted a Depression, got Wall ST Pumping , saved GM and Chrysler and the thousands of jobs that are related to it.If the vendors were hurt it would affect Foreign Car makers,as well, who build here.
Romney said let em die and the guys who screamed "Where Are The Jobs" to America's unemployed, who desperate,were easy prey to the rhetoric,inexplicably forgetting that these are the very people who have blocked their relief and brought us this nightmare,agreed.
If the Bush Tax cuts were gone the deficit would look very different. The fact that they fucked up so bad won't let them do the right thing lest someone say a Black Man Fixed What a White Man,George Bush and is near decade of incompetency broke.
The Stimulus was a mistake though. Yea, it should have been exactly as was proposed by the President,not the cut up piece we got after the right wing played their games. AND IT STILL WORKED !!!Had the initially Proposed Plan been put in place we would be correcting infrastructure,thousands more Americans would be working and the economy would be further along in it's recovery. Hi Speed Rail would bring the country into the Conservation Era. But the all knowing GAS and OIL PARTY who have all the time in the world for GUNS, GAYS and ABORTION,would have no part of solutions. This is not your Farther's Right Wing,they are nothing I can ever remember and I've been paying attention since Watergate.
Anyone not sure these are racist crackers just look at how they handled the OBL Raid and the Presidents decision making ability,remember they say they are "Patriots".They need to look it up.
Now once again they have a guy who's all Hat. Elect him so he can return us to the Bush Era,and people actually listen to this dribble. Only Race and Hate can explain this. And it's time we make it known because it has already divided us and ignoring the reality won't change it.
This election cycle will see intimadation from these so called Patriots on a scale not to be believed.I hope I'm wrong.But evidence says it going to happen.
These are not people to be reasoned with.They don't want to talk.They see us as THE ENEMY and will resort to any means to defeat or even Eliminate us.They have always been around but their numbers are growing and they now have alignments with actual US Politicians and others in posistions of authority.Look up the history of Indiana to see how far hate groups can become involved in the political process,the KKK ran that State for a period of time.
There are far more good decent fair minded Americans than these extremists,we just have to stand up and show up at the Polls and help each other to be there.
Outside My Window
Breakfast this morning
Thursday, April 26, 2012
The FORD EVOS Concept was first revealed in 2005.The new 2013 Fusion appears to have some of it's styling.Go to designboom.com to see more.It's wild and revealing of Ford's new design trends,like smaller headlight fixtures that won't cost you thousands if you have to replace them!
A heart attack behind the wheel can render much of your car's safety equipment moot despite decades of advancement. Ford Motor Company has tasked its European Research Center in Aachen, Germany with finding a way to reduce accidents caused by drivers experiencing heart trouble. According to the automaker, their prototype seat with contactless electrocardiogram technology can warn drivers to seek medical attention immediately by scanning for potential cardiovascular trouble through clothing.
According to Ford, by 2025, nearly one quarter of Europeans will be at least 65 years old, a figure that increases to one third by 2050. As risk of cardiovascular disease increases with age, drivers suffering from conditions like angina can be more than fifty percent more likely to be involved in an accident, so there's a lot of motivation to push this technology.
The prototype seat presently delivers accurate readings for 95 percent of drivers 98 percent of the time. Ford researchers are now looking into how the seat can be integrated with the other safety systems to work together to protect drivers who experience issues behind the wheel.
The safety aspect may be the most obvious application of this technology, but who knows – maybe it could also give real metrics about just how excited a thrilling run in a Mustang Boss 302 actually is.
Thanks to AutoBlog
A heart attack behind the wheel can render much of your car's safety equipment moot despite decades of advancement. Ford Motor Company has tasked its European Research Center in Aachen, Germany with finding a way to reduce accidents caused by drivers experiencing heart trouble. According to the automaker, their prototype seat with contactless electrocardiogram technology can warn drivers to seek medical attention immediately by scanning for potential cardiovascular trouble through clothing.
According to Ford, by 2025, nearly one quarter of Europeans will be at least 65 years old, a figure that increases to one third by 2050. As risk of cardiovascular disease increases with age, drivers suffering from conditions like angina can be more than fifty percent more likely to be involved in an accident, so there's a lot of motivation to push this technology.
The prototype seat presently delivers accurate readings for 95 percent of drivers 98 percent of the time. Ford researchers are now looking into how the seat can be integrated with the other safety systems to work together to protect drivers who experience issues behind the wheel.
The safety aspect may be the most obvious application of this technology, but who knows – maybe it could also give real metrics about just how excited a thrilling run in a Mustang Boss 302 actually is.
Thanks to AutoBlog
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
(Photo: Top row, from left, Boz Ratner/AP; Rick Maiman/Bloomberg/Getty Images; Tom Fox/Dallas Morning News/Corbis. Middle row, from left, Rob Sachs/AP; Kiyoshi Ota/Bloomberg/Getty Images; Patrick McMullan. Bottom row, from left, John Miller/AP; Melissa Phillip/Houston Chronicle/AP; Jim Spellman/WireImage/Getty Images. Photo-Illustration by Darrow.)
These People are very rich,like many others in the country.That's fine.What they think of the rest us is not.They Think we're stupid and are working overtime,actually paying others to,to buy this Election.
And this person has set the standard.
Read More http://nymag.com/news/frank-rich/conservative-donors-2012-4/
Our Fascination with Failure
What is our fascination with failure about.
I'm not talking about saying "Ol Joe Screwed Up but he's ok".Hell we all make mistakes.And endure the consequences if any.
I mean ,why do we give so much attention to a guy like Donald Trump,The Drugster Rush,or Sara Palin,just to name a few.
These are people who came out to tell us how righteous,or smart,enlightened or whatever and failed to back up their hype and yet have retained public adulation .Why?
Rush is a Drug Addict who used his maid to score,Trumps been bankrupt how many times and Sara quit those who put their trust in her.All could be forgiven in light of some contrition.But to the contrary they have become even more obnoxious .
What is our fascination with failure about.
I'm not talking about saying "Ol Joe Screwed Up but he's ok".Hell we all make mistakes.And endure the consequences if any.
I mean ,why do we give so much attention to a guy like Donald Trump,The Drugster Rush,or Sara Palin,just to name a few.
These are people who came out to tell us how righteous,or smart,enlightened or whatever and failed to back up their hype and yet have retained public adulation .Why?
Rush is a Drug Addict who used his maid to score,Trumps been bankrupt how many times and Sara quit those who put their trust in her.All could be forgiven in light of some contrition.But to the contrary they have become even more obnoxious .
Saturday, April 21, 2012
What will it Take?
Still don't believe in the effects of Climate Change ? Exactly what the experts told us would happen has and is happening.But faster ! Jeeze!Will the politicians who led the clowns to hide their heads in the sand,scream that they had the timing wrong.I don't know who to be madder at.The Idiot Politicians or the Morons who keep electing them as long they hate gays and anyone who does not think like them.We had years to get a handle on this if we worked together.But no. these idiots had to go after Clinton,then Gore and anyone else who spoke the truth about this. Well,How do you like it now ? If you had spent more time listening to what we needed to do instead of fixating on "guns,gays and abortion" you self righteous fools we might not have gone past the tipping point.I thought we passed it about the time George Bush said he didn't care about Osama Bin Laden much.Yea and if he had followed thru with the assessment that OBL was "determined to strike"in the US we might not have had 9/11.
So after f**king up royally and not finishing a damn thing, they want another shot.Sit down,shut the FUCK UP and decide if you want to help or get the fuck out of the way. You're a Moron if you need more proof! gb
This is a repost from May of LAST YEAR. It's still relavant,unforturnately,today.
Still don't believe in the effects of Climate Change ? Exactly what the experts told us would happen has and is happening.But faster ! Jeeze!Will the politicians who led the clowns to hide their heads in the sand,scream that they had the timing wrong.I don't know who to be madder at.The Idiot Politicians or the Morons who keep electing them as long they hate gays and anyone who does not think like them.We had years to get a handle on this if we worked together.But no. these idiots had to go after Clinton,then Gore and anyone else who spoke the truth about this. Well,How do you like it now ? If you had spent more time listening to what we needed to do instead of fixating on "guns,gays and abortion" you self righteous fools we might not have gone past the tipping point.I thought we passed it about the time George Bush said he didn't care about Osama Bin Laden much.Yea and if he had followed thru with the assessment that OBL was "determined to strike"in the US we might not have had 9/11.
So after f**king up royally and not finishing a damn thing, they want another shot.Sit down,shut the FUCK UP and decide if you want to help or get the fuck out of the way. You're a Moron if you need more proof! gb
This is a repost from May of LAST YEAR. It's still relavant,unforturnately,today.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Rails Move the Country
Railroads Past,Present and Future
To a vast majority of Americans railroads are not a major concern and given very little thought with the exception of those who routinely use Commuter,Intercity Rail to their place of employment or to see Grandma or some of the most breathtaking scenery in the world. That part of Railroading is not the topic of this post but will be addressed in the future.
What I'd like to address is that part of Railroading that affects ALL Americans on the mainland and is at a critical crossroad,Railroad Freight, weather it be Intermodal,Auto Transport,Waste,Coal for Power Plants,Oil and Chemicals,Lumber and Steel,and commodities and consumer products just to name a few. And let us not forget the part Rail played in WW II as well as Desert Storm and our most recent wars. Ask most any resident of Harris County(Houston Area) of the long drags of flatcars loaded with Tanks or HumVees rolling over crossings. There is nothing that can move the amount of commodities that can be handled by rail.
The ability of rail to move at a fast efficient rate benefits us all. Back in the day of the ICC the Trucking Industry and Railroads were at each others throats. That thankfully changed through forward thinking and regulations. So today when you see a Semi hauling a 40 ft van there is a 7in 10 chance that Van was moved the bulk of its trip by Rail greatly reducing the amount of congestion on our Interstate highways and cutting the use of fuel. .A freight train is three times as fuel efficient as a truck.
But unlike the Trucking Industry whose infrastructure is paid for by in large the American Taxpayer,Interstate Freight Railroads,known as Class I,pay their own way even though their existence benefits us all to the point that we would be brought to a halt in production without them.
According to a Rand Corporation Report "The volume of freight transported in the United States is expected to double in the next 30 years. An increased use of rail freight could allow the supply chain to accommodate these increased volumes while minimizing highway congestion and improving energy efficiency in the transportation sector. Shippers and policymakers are concerned that the existing infrastructure — much diminished after decades of track abandonment — lacks sufficient capacity to accommodate the increased demand for rail freight."
The report also states " The railroad system is privately owned and operated, but there is a public role for easing rail capacity constraints because private decisions about transportation investment and freight shipping have public consequences for safety and the environment. A better understanding of the public and private cost trade-offs between shipping freight by truck and by rail is needed. Improvements to data quality and freight-modeling tools will improve the ability for policymakers to better target public investment in the rail freight transportation system."
And that's the problem, how can we grow an economy by ignoring our Rail Infrastructure as Congress has done.
With the introduction of H.R.2091:Freight Rail Infrastructure Capacity Act of 2011 Sponcered by Rep. Leonard Boswell(D-IA 3rd) which has been referred to Committee we might see some light shown on this subject before it becomes a disaster,which it well could.
Only pressure from the Public can do that as the Committee,House Committee on Ways and Means*, seems unable or unwilling to advance it.
*D.Camp MI Chairman 202 225 3625 Fax 202 225 2610
To a vast majority of Americans railroads are not a major concern and given very little thought with the exception of those who routinely use Commuter,Intercity Rail to their place of employment or to see Grandma or some of the most breathtaking scenery in the world. That part of Railroading is not the topic of this post but will be addressed in the future.
What I'd like to address is that part of Railroading that affects ALL Americans on the mainland and is at a critical crossroad,Railroad Freight, weather it be Intermodal,Auto Transport,Waste,Coal for Power Plants,Oil and Chemicals,Lumber and Steel,and commodities and consumer products just to name a few. And let us not forget the part Rail played in WW II as well as Desert Storm and our most recent wars. Ask most any resident of Harris County(Houston Area) of the long drags of flatcars loaded with Tanks or HumVees rolling over crossings. There is nothing that can move the amount of commodities that can be handled by rail.
The ability of rail to move at a fast efficient rate benefits us all. Back in the day of the ICC the Trucking Industry and Railroads were at each others throats. That thankfully changed through forward thinking and regulations. So today when you see a Semi hauling a 40 ft van there is a 7in 10 chance that Van was moved the bulk of its trip by Rail greatly reducing the amount of congestion on our Interstate highways and cutting the use of fuel. .A freight train is three times as fuel efficient as a truck.
But unlike the Trucking Industry whose infrastructure is paid for by in large the American Taxpayer,Interstate Freight Railroads,known as Class I,pay their own way even though their existence benefits us all to the point that we would be brought to a halt in production without them.
According to a Rand Corporation Report "The volume of freight transported in the United States is expected to double in the next 30 years. An increased use of rail freight could allow the supply chain to accommodate these increased volumes while minimizing highway congestion and improving energy efficiency in the transportation sector. Shippers and policymakers are concerned that the existing infrastructure — much diminished after decades of track abandonment — lacks sufficient capacity to accommodate the increased demand for rail freight."
The report also states " The railroad system is privately owned and operated, but there is a public role for easing rail capacity constraints because private decisions about transportation investment and freight shipping have public consequences for safety and the environment. A better understanding of the public and private cost trade-offs between shipping freight by truck and by rail is needed. Improvements to data quality and freight-modeling tools will improve the ability for policymakers to better target public investment in the rail freight transportation system."
And that's the problem, how can we grow an economy by ignoring our Rail Infrastructure as Congress has done.
The American Association of Railroads has released a report that explores the long-term capacity expansion needs of the continental U.S. freight railroads. According to the report, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s projected 88 percent increase in demand for rail freight transportation in 2035 will require an investment in infrastructure of $148 billion (in 2007 dollars) over the next 28 years. Class I railroads' share is projected to be $135 billion, with $13 billion projected for short line and regional freight railroads.
With the introduction of H.R.2091:Freight Rail Infrastructure Capacity Act of 2011 Sponcered by Rep. Leonard Boswell(D-IA 3rd) which has been referred to Committee we might see some light shown on this subject before it becomes a disaster,which it well could.
Only pressure from the Public can do that as the Committee,House Committee on Ways and Means*, seems unable or unwilling to advance it.
*D.Camp MI Chairman 202 225 3625 Fax 202 225 2610
Monday, April 16, 2012
FOX has consistently put forth lies and innuendo while ignoring facts. I at one time watched FOX but turned them off when their agenda became apparent to me thru their reporting from Iraq as well as their refusal to report the truth. For years they have served as the propaganda machine for the Conservatives. Some of their employees urged violence and goaded some wing nut to murder Dr Tiller who's legal profession they disagreed with. Others have shown their dislike of a child who was raped. I could go on but I believe you are probably aware of this by now,its been going on for almost 10 years and definitely proves that if you tell a lie long enough people will believe it. They are part and parcel of our problems today by helping to create the polarized conditions that exist today. They are no more a "News" organization than George Bush isn't a WAR Criminal. gb
The myths that are killing us. Thanks to Daily KOS
(1) The Government can’t create jobs. (Tell that to FDR, who created four million jobs in three months.)
(2) Tax cuts reduce the deficit. (Doesn’t it bother them that a man named “Laffer” came up with this one?)
(3) A fetus is a baby.
(4) The poor have too much money.
(5) Cutting the federal deficit will end the recession.
(6) The rich are incentivized by tax cuts, while the poor are incentivized by lower wages, no benefits, an end to the minimum wage, and unemployment.
(7) An unwanted child is God’s will.
(8) Everyone who wants health insurance has it.
(9) The problem with education is the teachers.
(10) The “free market” satisfies every human need.
(11) There is no discrimination in America anymore.
(12) The distribution of wealth and income are irrelevant.
(1) The Government can’t create jobs. (Tell that to FDR, who created four million jobs in three months.)
(2) Tax cuts reduce the deficit. (Doesn’t it bother them that a man named “Laffer” came up with this one?)
(3) A fetus is a baby.
(4) The poor have too much money.
(5) Cutting the federal deficit will end the recession.
(6) The rich are incentivized by tax cuts, while the poor are incentivized by lower wages, no benefits, an end to the minimum wage, and unemployment.
(7) An unwanted child is God’s will.
(8) Everyone who wants health insurance has it.
(9) The problem with education is the teachers.
(10) The “free market” satisfies every human need.
(11) There is no discrimination in America anymore.
(12) The distribution of wealth and income are irrelevant.
Anyone who thinks they can stay uninvolved in defeating the Tea Bagger Party(formally the Republican Party)is either a fool or has their head up their hinnie.This will affect ALL of us who are not millionaires and Fat Cats.It's time to start speaking out instead of thinking "everything will work out".Each one of you knows people like that,so do I.But we must reach out to them to convince them that they must take an active and INFORMED involvement. I don't expect you to get punched in the head or a beating in an alley,as I have,for voicing the truth,just try to be less willing to let others spew the hate and falsehoods without rebuttal,tell a co worker you no longer want to hear their skewed perception of reality,refuse to dine at places who allow FOX News to be played,or at Walmart,your local Repair Shop or Tire Store.Ask that the channel be changed. This is not Free Speech it is Propaganda.
What is at stake is the very IDEA of America. Republicans ,with the help of some Blue Dog Democrats mostly voted out, brought us to this point and with no remorse have now turned their Party over to The Tea Party whose ideas have done more damage in the short time they have been around than could be imagined and have more still to come if we let them retain the seats they gained with their lies.They're Bullies and self righteous ideologues packing heat and looking for trouble with anyone who disagrees with their narrow minded me me me views .You want to see kids in school stand up to Bullies when they see adults act as cowards letting the worst of our culture dictate the rules.Bigots,Racists,and Fanatics.Hate the Gays,revile the poor and disavow anyone who does not agree with them .That is the Republican Party today.The Tea Baggers
They call an American President Ignorant,a socialist,Muslim,appeaser who has no right to hold the office he was duly elected to, and swore they would do all they can to defeat him and his policies.Mitch McConnell #1 Job was "to make Obama a one term President".Don't reward their un American actions.I neither voted for nor cared much for Bush but when he was given the Presidency I gave him the respect that is due to the Office until he disrespected us with lies and squandered our surplus and invaded the wrong country in an unfunded war.
Tea Baggers are no better than the "Brown Shirts" of early Nazi Germany.They bullied and intimidated to advance their cause.
Let's be intellectually honest about the history of conservatism in this country:
Against America leaving British rule
Against emancipating the slaves
Against giving women the right to vote
Against implementing child labor laws
Against car manufacturers having to add seatbelts and crumple zones
Against tobacco companies having to warn anyone about their deadly products
Against the anti-littering campaign in the 70's
Against the formation of the EPA
Against outlawing lead in paints and pipes
Against workplace safety laws
Against the passing of the civil rights amendment
Against women working
Against BP suffering any punishment for killing 14 men and destroying the Gulf
Against bringing charges against Enron officers
Against bringing charges against the Massey mining officers
Against the implementation of food safety laws
Against the outlawing of asbestos
Thank you for allowing me this Rant,but it's more a plea to mobilize and let those you are in contact with know the future of Our Country is indeed at stake.
What is at stake is the very IDEA of America. Republicans ,with the help of some Blue Dog Democrats mostly voted out, brought us to this point and with no remorse have now turned their Party over to The Tea Party whose ideas have done more damage in the short time they have been around than could be imagined and have more still to come if we let them retain the seats they gained with their lies.They're Bullies and self righteous ideologues packing heat and looking for trouble with anyone who disagrees with their narrow minded me me me views .You want to see kids in school stand up to Bullies when they see adults act as cowards letting the worst of our culture dictate the rules.Bigots,Racists,and Fanatics.Hate the Gays,revile the poor and disavow anyone who does not agree with them .That is the Republican Party today.The Tea Baggers
They call an American President Ignorant,a socialist,Muslim,appeaser who has no right to hold the office he was duly elected to, and swore they would do all they can to defeat him and his policies.Mitch McConnell #1 Job was "to make Obama a one term President".Don't reward their un American actions.I neither voted for nor cared much for Bush but when he was given the Presidency I gave him the respect that is due to the Office until he disrespected us with lies and squandered our surplus and invaded the wrong country in an unfunded war.
Tea Baggers are no better than the "Brown Shirts" of early Nazi Germany.They bullied and intimidated to advance their cause.
Let's be intellectually honest about the history of conservatism in this country:
Against America leaving British rule
Against emancipating the slaves
Against giving women the right to vote
Against implementing child labor laws
Against car manufacturers having to add seatbelts and crumple zones
Against tobacco companies having to warn anyone about their deadly products
Against the anti-littering campaign in the 70's
Against the formation of the EPA
Against outlawing lead in paints and pipes
Against workplace safety laws
Against the passing of the civil rights amendment
Against women working
Against BP suffering any punishment for killing 14 men and destroying the Gulf
Against bringing charges against Enron officers
Against bringing charges against the Massey mining officers
Against the implementation of food safety laws
Against the outlawing of asbestos
Thank you for allowing me this Rant,but it's more a plea to mobilize and let those you are in contact with know the future of Our Country is indeed at stake.
Just another voice
“Our lives begin to end
the day we become silent about
things that matter.”
— Martin Luther King Jr.
It is with this in mind that I choose to start blogging,right wrong or indifferent I hope my posts will be a cultivator of thought and not divisiveness.
the day we become silent about
things that matter.”
— Martin Luther King Jr.
It is with this in mind that I choose to start blogging,right wrong or indifferent I hope my posts will be a cultivator of thought and not divisiveness.
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