We Can Do This
I know it's late in the game, but the Tea Party led GOP and their vast money machine is in full swing and dumping millions into races across the Country to bury the truth and I can't,won't and haven't given up because I know that as bad as things are they are better than they were.
I know that these radicals are supporting the ideas and the very people who helped to bring this Country to the brink and slow done our recovery.
Their obstructionism and distortion of the facts has indeed had the negative effect they desired for their own political gain.Their primary goal was to make President Obama a one term President and any and all means to that end is acceptable to them.
We must not allow this warped political ploy be successful for the very soul of the Nation is at stake.What they have orchestrated is unprecedented and an assault on Democracy that must be countered.
Your rights the rights of your children and theirs are in jeopardy like they have not been since the days of the Robber Barons.
Americans did not stand by or give up then and neither shall we.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Sunday, October 21, 2012
I began writing about this after a trip to Houston in 2010 where I witnessed the actions of the King Street Patriots*. The name is so misrepresentative of their demeanor and actions it's stunning.Letters to AG Holder at first acknowledged eventually returned no response and no action till recently way after these clowns got a big head.It's the same old same old.Fail to enforce a Law will always lead to more abuse of those laws and a re enforcement of these groups of cowards actions.
Wrapped in the Flag and claiming to be Patriotic while they go about intimidating and questioning other's right to freely cast their Vote is a low point in our society.
With weapons clearly displayed in defiance of Laws Prohibiting such Brandishing** they went unchallenged to a large degree and now expanded across the Country.
Think about it. American Citizens stopping other Citizens from voting thru the guise of Voter Fraud that does not exist in the forms they claim. THEY ARE THE VOTER FRAUD.They do exactly what they claim they are against and get away with it.
If FEC and DOJ won't do anything what are Law Biding Citizens to do ? Well.the regrettable but necessary answer is to fight them with our presence at the Polling Places. To put up a Firewall between them and the Voters.
Westboro Baptist Church Radicals got a taste of this deterrant from Students at Texas A&M when they attempted to disrupt a Funeral for a Fallen Soldier.And it worked. It would work here also but I admit it could and probably will result in bloodshed. But this is what is left to be done at this late stage as Local,Federal Agencies ignored repeated warnings from 2010 and only within the last six months have mounted any Legal remedies which at best will only dampen,or tone down these treacherous endeavors.
Others have died for the Right To Vote in the Past. I'm afraid that possibility is close at hand in many States. Can you blame us for wanting this confrontation ? I think not and I think it's time to do it.
The Republicans have stolen previous elections with the help of the SCOTUS and they know that this is now in their bag of tools. The adrenalin of Hate is a drug to them.No ethics,no morals,no conscience. Only their goal matters in their twisted minds.
I'm lucky I live in a state with Mail In Ballots in most Counties and will not be subjected to this.But in one County that happens to hold the largest amount of Minority Voters it does come into play as Ballots are cast at Polling Places.
Even though I'm dealing with Medical Issues I have volunteered to be a visible deterrent to these Assholes and I'm perfectly willing to stand my ground with any who would take up this practice,hell I welcome it.Years of working in NY City while carrying large amounts of cash late at night let me hone my "Presence" to ward off muggers by simple gestures once they approached so I know the game.I understood those who sought to rob me,they were junkies,low lifes and unfortunates caught up in a life of strife. They were trying to survive and I formed no ill toward them,only a desire to not be a victim.
But this is different. These so called Patriots purpose is to steal something far more valuable to people and in the most despicable un Patriotic way.
I'm not promoting violence, I'm saying we must push back on these morons,many of whom will turn tail and run when confronted by an equal force,I mean why do you think they are so blatant in the first place ? They think only they have guns evidently and sticking one in their face the way they do to others more often than not results in them running away.Wild West denizens they are not,just armed bullies who need to be shown the era of their ways.
They have never stopped fighting the Civil War in the South and Texans are in the forefront in demanding the rest of us conform to their whims and now have exported their skewed perception of reality to other parts of the Country with Tea Party backing.
Do Something.Don't let this continue to happen.Be vocal.Write a letter to your paper or News outlets.
Texas Law
**A license holder commits an offense if the license holder carries a handgun on or about the license holder's person under the authority of Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code, and intentionally fails to conceal the handgun.
"Concealed handgun" means a handgun, the presence of
which is not openly discernible to the ordinary observation of a reasonable
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Say What ?
I love Bill Maher but his nauseam of FOX isn't deserved at MSNBC. MSNBC rhetoric is based on fact,FOX is based in lies,how can he compare them as equals.
Before Keith Olbermann came along there was only him,Jon Stewart and Letterman,Comedians, speaking to power. And if MSNBC, has indeed succumbed to the FOX parameters of Hype in a few cases,so what,it is based in FACTS.
Only one side was being heard and that resulted in the frustration of millions not able to be heard or given facts by Broadcast News and drowned out by so called Super Patriots of FOX whose Ruler subverted our Laws to do it.
Where the hell would we be if Keith hadn't got in their face.
Comcast was too much for KO and they are cashing in,but they did decide to present FACTS along with hyperbolic content.
I personally hate what passes as News,but the Public has bought into it or FOX wouldn't have succeeded.
They led the charge to Iraq and have done the GOP bidding as if they were Party,and don't even hide it.
Real News broadcasts, we haven't had them since the mid 90's when the morphing of News to Entertainment for profit billed as News started.
What News Hours we knew became semi Tabloid Presentations. O'Reilly came from Inside Addition where his hyperbolic style was honed and The Drugster Rush took to the Public Airways to spew his hate and disdain for those less fortunate than he culminating in the demeaning of an Female American Citizen who has more guts in her pinky finger than that fat slob could dream of,who he labeled a "Slut".
He is devoid of compassion as well as not knowing shit about anything,his so called Dynasty a House of Cards made up by Marketing types who give his show away in most of the cities it's heard just to make it look like it's popular so the sheeple will buy into it.Pure Bullshit.
One of the most important tools of Democracy,the ability of the Public to get true Hard facts was adulterated for the sake of profit,to hell with the "Fourth Estate" which had helped Americans since the beginning of our Country to be informed.
This is not the first time this has happened but it sure is the most successful and far reaching.I mean we went to War with lies that were repetitively espoused over the Airways and led by an unregulated free for all Cable News(sic) Industry,a terrible mistake,and again not done by accident or without some screaming at the top of our lungs as to the implications.
And just as our economy,Banks,Housing and more reflect the realities of no strings attached by destroying themselves so does what we have now. A propaganda entity. "News" Shows without substance.60 minutes neutered,Sunday morning is a joke.
All this did not just happen. It was engineered by Robert Ailes and blessed by Rupert who aided by Newt, Delay to change Laws here so this clown could dominate cable and later Turd Blossom Karl who ran daily Talking Point Memos right out of the White House to FOX Personal at his Propaganda Ministry.
This is subversion plain and simple. But People remained complacent and detached and so here we are. American Idle,Survivor and the like more important to the average American than what was planned for them.
We did this to ourselves and now few can even recognize truth over hype,lies and disinformation spewed 24/7.
Recently the biggest Banking scam ever,LIBOR,was revealed and hardly a mention of it broadcast let alone any Investigative Reporting as that requires actual Journalists,REAL News People who were dismissed or have left in disgust and disbelief as to the level of stupidity the American Public was exhibiting.
Sam Donaldson,Rather,Koppel and the other mainstays of Broadcast Journalism gone from the effort and those who remained accepting a far different reality, a made up reality,scripted just as so called "reality" shows are.
And now it would seem even the Integrity of Bill has sustained damage if you are to take his statement seriously.
Hey anyone who has given what this man has given to the cause is a Stand Up Guy(a Million Dollar Donation to the Obama Campaign),but it shows what the repeated dogma can do to even the astute. His recognition of "The Bubble" a case in point,yet he seems contrary to have made this False equivalency of FOX and MSNBC.
And it seemed nobody cared as long as the bliss of their ignorance was maintained. The fault is the Government they yell.You Fools,you,we, ARE the Government.
You elected those clowns and stepped away from overseeing their actions and when things go wrong you always point the finger at those who sounded the alarms as Partisan,Un American or worse just as you were instructed by your chosen Overlords and ignore your actions that permitted the folly.
And now some people are "Undecided"? Really ?I pity you for you are lost to reality.And reality is what counts,not Ideology. that is what got us here.
This is my Country not your Church.
Acorn did nothing wrong.
Bush destroyed the Economy.
Obama Saved the Auto Industry.
Corporations are not People.
Woman do not ask to be Raped.
And frankly Tea Baggers and Blue Dogs should hope their games didn't kill the planet because when People do realize you were running a scam on them by denial of reality and support of a massive disinformation campaign by Climate Deniers whose heavy Donations to keep them loyal and in office have led to the accelerated demise of critical components of the Eco System, they will seek to meet you I would guess.Look back in history to see the results of some such meetings.
Ignore the Science at your own peril it was said over a decade ago,we were warned,and warned,and shown the Facts by those who exposed themselves to ridicule and demeaning chatter for doing what was right and now proven TRUE.
Yet the Blowhards still hold your attention.Wow !
When the other shoe drops,I don't think anyone will be "undecided" then.
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Bill, say it ain't so... |
I love Bill Maher but his nauseam of FOX isn't deserved at MSNBC. MSNBC rhetoric is based on fact,FOX is based in lies,how can he compare them as equals.
Before Keith Olbermann came along there was only him,Jon Stewart and Letterman,Comedians, speaking to power. And if MSNBC, has indeed succumbed to the FOX parameters of Hype in a few cases,so what,it is based in FACTS.
Only one side was being heard and that resulted in the frustration of millions not able to be heard or given facts by Broadcast News and drowned out by so called Super Patriots of FOX whose Ruler subverted our Laws to do it.
Where the hell would we be if Keith hadn't got in their face.
Comcast was too much for KO and they are cashing in,but they did decide to present FACTS along with hyperbolic content.
I personally hate what passes as News,but the Public has bought into it or FOX wouldn't have succeeded.
They led the charge to Iraq and have done the GOP bidding as if they were Party,and don't even hide it.
Real News broadcasts, we haven't had them since the mid 90's when the morphing of News to Entertainment for profit billed as News started.
What News Hours we knew became semi Tabloid Presentations. O'Reilly came from Inside Addition where his hyperbolic style was honed and The Drugster Rush took to the Public Airways to spew his hate and disdain for those less fortunate than he culminating in the demeaning of an Female American Citizen who has more guts in her pinky finger than that fat slob could dream of,who he labeled a "Slut".
He is devoid of compassion as well as not knowing shit about anything,his so called Dynasty a House of Cards made up by Marketing types who give his show away in most of the cities it's heard just to make it look like it's popular so the sheeple will buy into it.Pure Bullshit.
One of the most important tools of Democracy,the ability of the Public to get true Hard facts was adulterated for the sake of profit,to hell with the "Fourth Estate" which had helped Americans since the beginning of our Country to be informed.
This is not the first time this has happened but it sure is the most successful and far reaching.I mean we went to War with lies that were repetitively espoused over the Airways and led by an unregulated free for all Cable News(sic) Industry,a terrible mistake,and again not done by accident or without some screaming at the top of our lungs as to the implications.
And just as our economy,Banks,Housing and more reflect the realities of no strings attached by destroying themselves so does what we have now. A propaganda entity. "News" Shows without substance.60 minutes neutered,Sunday morning is a joke.
All this did not just happen. It was engineered by Robert Ailes and blessed by Rupert who aided by Newt, Delay to change Laws here so this clown could dominate cable and later Turd Blossom Karl who ran daily Talking Point Memos right out of the White House to FOX Personal at his Propaganda Ministry.
We did this to ourselves and now few can even recognize truth over hype,lies and disinformation spewed 24/7.
Recently the biggest Banking scam ever,LIBOR,was revealed and hardly a mention of it broadcast let alone any Investigative Reporting as that requires actual Journalists,REAL News People who were dismissed or have left in disgust and disbelief as to the level of stupidity the American Public was exhibiting.
Sam Donaldson,Rather,Koppel and the other mainstays of Broadcast Journalism gone from the effort and those who remained accepting a far different reality, a made up reality,scripted just as so called "reality" shows are.
And now it would seem even the Integrity of Bill has sustained damage if you are to take his statement seriously.
Hey anyone who has given what this man has given to the cause is a Stand Up Guy(a Million Dollar Donation to the Obama Campaign),but it shows what the repeated dogma can do to even the astute. His recognition of "The Bubble" a case in point,yet he seems contrary to have made this False equivalency of FOX and MSNBC.
And it seemed nobody cared as long as the bliss of their ignorance was maintained. The fault is the Government they yell.You Fools,you,we, ARE the Government.
You elected those clowns and stepped away from overseeing their actions and when things go wrong you always point the finger at those who sounded the alarms as Partisan,Un American or worse just as you were instructed by your chosen Overlords and ignore your actions that permitted the folly.
And now some people are "Undecided"? Really ?I pity you for you are lost to reality.And reality is what counts,not Ideology. that is what got us here.
This is my Country not your Church.
Acorn did nothing wrong.
Bush destroyed the Economy.
Obama Saved the Auto Industry.
Corporations are not People.
Woman do not ask to be Raped.
True Welfair Queens are the Kings of Corporations.
Obama got Osama.
GOP Obstruction is why we are not at 6 % or below unemployment not Obamas Policies.They worked dispite the Tea Baggers efforts.
The list goes on and on.
Ignore the Science at your own peril it was said over a decade ago,we were warned,and warned,and shown the Facts by those who exposed themselves to ridicule and demeaning chatter for doing what was right and now proven TRUE.
Yet the Blowhards still hold your attention.Wow !
When the other shoe drops,I don't think anyone will be "undecided" then.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Do Not Take This Joe Lightly
Vice President Joe Biden is an asset and we should be proud to have him.A No Bullshit Straight Talking man with respect and empathy for all and if you don't know that You don't know Joe.
Joe Biden is the real deal. He speaks from the heart and is truly on the side of the little guy.
I was a RR Freight Conductor,as well as Passenger and Commuter in the New England,NY,NJ,and the Northeast Corridor.
When our Union was trying to hold on to some work rules from the hey days of Railroading that were ridiculous to still have,it was my understanding that Joe was instrumental in getting my Union Heads to remember to give in order to get,something I had been booed for saying at meetings where I was a "Stu" compared to the staunch 40 years Service Local Union President I was trying to convince was fearful of giving up anything that had been gained after being on the short end of the stick for so long and I could understand given the history some of these guys had actually witnessed.
Unions stopped that. And Joe for Unions.But not foolish rules.
Plus he has immense insight into Foreign Affairs and knows the Cold War is over,as well as the Spanish Inquisition and that Galileo was right and the Church wrong and that Climate Change is REAL.
He has handled loss and adversity in his personal life that would crush many and with grace and determination rose up to become one of the most respected Legislators having authored too many important Bills to go into here.
What has Ryan done.Nothing.
And if you can tell me the stuff that he's said,is so called gaffs is worst than what has come out of Ryans pie hole,let alone Mitt,I would not agree.
I could be wrong,I thought O would destroy Mitt,but I think Joe will do just fine against the Wisconsin Shirker in Stink,and reset the stage for Barack to wipe out Mitt in his next debate.
Vice President Joe Biden is an asset and we should be proud to have him.A No Bullshit Straight Talking man with respect and empathy for all and if you don't know that You don't know Joe.
Joe Biden is the real deal. He speaks from the heart and is truly on the side of the little guy.
I was a RR Freight Conductor,as well as Passenger and Commuter in the New England,NY,NJ,and the Northeast Corridor.
I saw it all, and when we had to deal with short sighted paid for adversity he was there,he takes in both sides and gets fair resolution,much like Speaker of the House Tip O'Neill did.
When our Union was trying to hold on to some work rules from the hey days of Railroading that were ridiculous to still have,it was my understanding that Joe was instrumental in getting my Union Heads to remember to give in order to get,something I had been booed for saying at meetings where I was a "Stu" compared to the staunch 40 years Service Local Union President I was trying to convince was fearful of giving up anything that had been gained after being on the short end of the stick for so long and I could understand given the history some of these guys had actually witnessed.
At one time over 2200 Brakeman would die in a year for zilch due to safety issues.
The Westinghouse Air Brake System was invented and was capable of completely eliminating the hazard,but Railroad Barons had to be forced to implement it as they could just as easy get another poor smuck to take the place of a dead Brakeman.
Unions stopped that. And Joe for Unions.But not foolish rules.
But now it was time to accept some changes in order for Rail Service to survive and he stepped up.
Plus he has immense insight into Foreign Affairs and knows the Cold War is over,as well as the Spanish Inquisition and that Galileo was right and the Church wrong and that Climate Change is REAL.
He has handled loss and adversity in his personal life that would crush many and with grace and determination rose up to become one of the most respected Legislators having authored too many important Bills to go into here.
What has Ryan done.Nothing.
And if you can tell me the stuff that he's said,is so called gaffs is worst than what has come out of Ryans pie hole,let alone Mitt,I would not agree.
I could be wrong,I thought O would destroy Mitt,but I think Joe will do just fine against the Wisconsin Shirker in Stink,and reset the stage for Barack to wipe out Mitt in his next debate.
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