Thursday, August 30, 2012

Tampa Tantrum and the Lie a thon

Jon Lovitzs should be proud.
These are the biggest bunch of outright lies I've ever heard broadcast at a National Convention. Not distortions or mis speaks actual LIES and proven to be. Anyone who believes this shit needs to ignore the realities of how we actually got here or read some history not written by FOX or the GOP.

I understand many of those at the lie a thon  get in by displaying their hate for the "Nigger in the, whoops, THEIR White House" and the Gay,Faggot,Liberal,God Hating,Muslim Loving,Equal Women's Rights compassionate hippies they think we all are,but the rest of you who buy into it might have some explaining to do in years to come when your children distance themselves from the suicidal folk they think you are and remind you of what your blindness to reality,acceptance of Racism and rejection of Moral,Ethical Christian teachings  that you so fervently espoused,has led to as they deal with the harsh realities set upon them by a Hi Jacked GOP run by the Tea Party aka American Taliban.

Your blindness gave us Bush's disaster and the Teabaggers committed to destroying the means to fix the resultant collapse. You can say Obama was a failure all you want but it was the GOP who swore not to help and to obstruct his every effort for the GOPs POLITCAL GAIN.

This is unprecedented as well as TRESONESS in every sense of the word when you actively subvert the President's efforts as he legally attempts to carry out his duties  to get the Country on it's feet after YOUR PARTY destroyed it.

Union Busting,denying others to Vote,Redistricting to insure GOP success,a general disregard for other's Rights is what this Neo GOP Teabagger led Party is about and that is no lie or distortion.

As I have said before, you are ignorant,asleep or a Racist to continue to support what is being past off as the Republican Party. Show some backbone and take back your Party by standing up to the bullies and imbiciles that have destroyed the Country and its recovery.,and remember this.

Even with the unprecedented obstruction of the Teabaggers this President has stemmed a Depression and created more Jobs in 3 years than George Bush did iduring his entire presidency,saved the Auto Industry,the Stock Market is at all time highs, American Corporations continue to report extraordinary profits and Bin Laden is DEAD ! Period as Paul"Lying" Ryan would say.Yea it ain't perfect,but what was left to him wasn't either.It was the worst in history.And NO GOP help.

The GOP played you like a fiddle !

Facts are Facts
Nixon WAS a CROOK,but did open us to China
Reagan RAISED TAXES and made WEAPONS deals with Iran,Lied about his secrete war,but did help bring down the Wall
Bush IGNORED Reports on 9/11,but did much for AIDS
Cheney OUTED a CIA Agent,and,well he made his friends Richer
and believe me this is only a partial list.

And yet you want to say that none of this is as bad as Clinton getting a BJ while bring the most prosperity this Country had ever seen and almost got OBL and probably would have except for the GOP screaming at the time he was doing it for Political reasons.

Get a Grip.

I did not Vote for George Bush,I frankly knew too much about him to take him seriously. And I certainly did not agree with the way he attained the Presidency but none the less I vocally supported him till I felt he had disrespected Americans by lying to us and was actively subverting opinion by altering reports and replacing those whose only offense was pointing out the truth.In the end I was absolutely correct and there was much more than anyone could imagine.

It would be easy for you to think I'm being smug,pontificating or a general big mouth and I would gladly suffer those insults,as I have in the past, if you will just look to the facts and the realities of the consequences of blindly or otherwise accepting the unproven over the proven. I mean come on. It is decades since a scientists recognized Climate Change. Sure at first it was referred to as "Global Warming" but that was more so due to the first comprehensible thing that jumped out at the Media and was easy for them to package in this time of perception over substance.

 But see if you dug  deeper you found what he supposed from RESERCH would be the results of this Green House Effect they had just discovered,how weather patterns would change causing ocean themo streams to alter their routes and thus increase warming of the Oceans that would increase melting of Northern, Greenland and Arctic Ice Caps increasing moisture while at the same time Glaciers and Tundras would begin to decay. The added moisture it was said would increase rainfall and create flooding some in areas not prone to this,Sea levels would increase and due to Ocean Flow patterns, severe weather frequency  would be increased as well as the severity of the storms it brought. Climate Change.

Since the moment of his announcement it was perceived by the Oil Companies as a warning shot and they immediately organized to counter any realities not suitable to their bottom line and have not stopped since. The Washington Oil Lobby has managed to not only make Joe and Jane Public not care about Climate Change but reward them with huge subsidies they don't need and which fund their disinformation campaigns as well as make them the biggest contributors to Washington.
Drug Companies are allowed to write their own Laws and subvert the Constitution at will as legislators line up to do their bidding.The current Speaker of the House once passed out checks from big Tobacco on the Floor of the House to Representatives,Chinese Lobbyists abound to insure Trade benefits them, at our detriment and Coal Mining Companies have a direct man in the Senate and House Leadership while a little twerp runs around with a piece of paper more honored by the GOP than The Constitution that they claim they know which explicitly tells them to collect taxes.

Many of these things may continue for years to come regardless of what Party takes control but they will continue till the end if the Tea Party led GOP is allowed to keep the House or gain the Senate.It will be the end of Democracy as we know it and the beginning of what Osama Bin Laden wanted. The American Taliban.Womens rights trampled,Gays Lesbians and Transgendered denied decency,their Rights and persecuted,Blacks,Hispanics and anyone else they deem not one of them will  be subject to the same.Many believe The American Taliban is already here,this may be so,actions as well as words support that conclusion.Shall we give them the Power to show us what they say is what they will do and create a Civil War in this Country.That includes if they STEAL Governance.Count ALL VOTES.
A Texas Judge thinks this will happen if Obama is Re Elected. These guys just want a fight,any fight.
So the American Taliban has spoken.These crazy bastards want a gun fight?Really.This guy is a Judge. Typical.I spent time in Texas.Some of the stupidest,but polite,people I ever met,a whole lot of Bible Thumpers who gloried in their ignorance and saw more than a few Law Enforcement Personal in need of serious psychological testing so I can't be too surprised he's from there.Prime Teabagger territory.Last time I was there they had Stimulus Money Projects and  the people had no idea where the money came from  as they screamed against Washington Aid.

Give us the 4 years we deserve and if you don't want to help at least get the fuck out of the way and go do something useful,we're nor perfect but we'll fix a hell of alot and you can have time to try and find some real candidates who put Country First in ACTION not words to run against Hillary in 2016.You never know,People may forget how the GOP obstructed everything that is working at full tilt by then because no one was throwing shit on the stairs like wild monkeys and spoiled children who didn't get their way.

Do you want to be lead back to prosperity by the Party that last provided the Country with a Balanced Budget and a Surplus or RULED by a Party that acts just like the Taliban.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

History (purposely)Forgotten

As a former Union Member, I am one of those who are aware of The Battle  Blair Mountain War which started 100 years ago yesterday,August 25.I often suggest people  see the movie "Matewan" to get perspective to why Unions should be respected for standing up to power for the average Joe,
 so I thought I'd post an EMail  sent to me today from Alan Grayson. You might understand why I'm so fervent about Unions as well as my sometimes furor about some corporations actions.

The Battle of Blair Mountain.

Dear George:
This weekend marks the anniversary of the most brutal confrontation in the history of the American labor movement, the Battle of Blair Mountain. For one week during 1921, armed, striking coal miners battled scabs, a private militia, police officers and the US Army. 100 people died, 1,000 were arrested, and one million shots were fired. It was the largest armed rebellion in America since the Civil War.
This is how it happened. In the Twenties, West Virginia coal miners lived in "company towns." The mining companies owned all the property. They literally ran union organizers out of town - or killed them.
In 1912, in a strike at Paint Creek, the mining company forced the striking miners and their families out of their homes, to live in tents. Then they sent armed goons into that tent city, and opened fire on men, women and children there with a machine gun.
By 1920, the United Mine Workers had organized the northern mines in West Virginia, but they were barred from the southern mines. When southern miners tried to join the union, they were fired and evicted. To show who was boss, one mining company tried to place machine guns on the roofs of buildings in town.
In Matewan, when the coal company goons came to town to take it upon themselves to enforce eviction notices, the mayor and the sheriff asked them to leave. The goons refused. Incredibly, the goons tried to arrest the sheriff, Sheriff Hatfield. Shots were fired, and the mayor and nine others were killed. But the company goons had to flee.
The government sided with the coal companies, and put Sheriff Hatfield on trial for murder. The jury acquitted him. Then they put the sheriff on trial for supposedly dynamiting a non-union mine. As the sheriff walked up the courthouse steps to stand trial again, unarmed, company goons shot him in cold blood. In front of his wife.
This led to open confrontations between miners on one hand, and police and company goons on the other. 13,000 armed miners assembled, and marched on the southern mines in Logan and Mingo Counties. They confronted a private militia of 2,000, hired by the coal companies.
President Harding was informed. He threatened to send in troops and even bombers to break the union. Many miners turned back, but then company goons started killing unarmed union men, and some armed miners pushed on. The militia attacked armed miners, and the coal companies hired airplanes to drop bombs on them. The US Army Air Force, as it was known then, observed the miners' positions from overhead, and passed that information on to the coal companies.
The miners actually broke through the militia's defensive perimeter, but after five days, the US Army intervened, and the miners stood down. By that time, 100 people were dead. Almost a thousand miners then were indicted for murder and treason. No one on the side of the coal companies was ever held accountable.
The Battle of Blair Mountain showed that the miners could not defeat the coal companies and the government in battle. But then something interesting happened: the miners defeated the coal companies and the government at the ballot box. In 1925, convicted miners were paroled. In 1932, Democrats won both the State House and the White House. In 1935, President Roosevelt signed the National Labor Relations Act. Eleven years after the Battle of Blair Mountain, the United Mine Workers organized the southern coal fields in West Virginia.
The Battle of Blair Mountain did not have a happy ending for Sheriff Hatfield, or his wife, or the 100 men, women and children who died, or the hundreds who were injured, or the thousands who lost their jobs. But it did have a happy ending for the right to organize, and the middle class, and America.
Now let me ask you one thing: had you ever heard of this landmark event in American history, the Battle of Blair Mountain, before you read this? And if not, then why not? Think about that.
Alan Grayson 

Think. Do something.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Crooks Who Rule and not Lead

This is the face of a Traitor. Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court Judge Robert E. Simpson Jr.
Judge Simpson who was  faced with overwhelming evidence to Voter Suppression ruled it was not.I've met,known and had litigation before Judges and most are highly ethical and fair but I've dealt with unethical judges, they think they are Gods.Evidence means little to them over a Golf Course or Tavern conversation with those(Prosecutors) who seek a favorable verdict and facts be dammed.
A prudent and fair Judge would have put this off till AFTER the ELECTION to insure it did not infringe on the Rights of those who have Legally voted for years,decades and generations.
 I have no idea if the fact that the onetime Democrat who switched to the Republican Party is a reason,I would hope not,Judges political affiliations should never be considered in their rulings(sic)the Supreme Court of the United States gives evidence to the validity of that argument I  suspect this asshole made up his mind before this ever came to his court. Fore !

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Not Again !

We must have the shortest attention spans and the worst memories in the world it seems.
The so called GOP aka "Teabaggers " are working hard at ensuring they are able to win the election by whatever means needed and to Hell ethics,morality or others rights to vote,the means justify the end.

This has worked for them in the recent past as the question of fairness and even out and out theft of a Presidential Election, was determined by means not acceptable for a Democratic Society but more a Banana Republic.
  Every vote counts and every vote should be counted !
It should not have been a surprise to anyone as we were warned for years of the methods and most alarming the intent,to engineer possible circumstances favorable to the Party.

Pole Taxes and the days of Jim Crowe  thought to be  behind us,few believed this scenario could evolve and less that it would be successful.

Even if only the intimidation and repression of voters alone is taken into account, this has been documented, it was disturbing enough to cause action to be taken to avoid these things from happening.

Equal parties to the betterment of the People are what mis guided Dems believed were the motivations for conceding to a contentious outcome,but more likely,in 2000 anyway,an out and out theft actively facilitated by Right Wing Operatives and possibly a knowing candidate.

The most basic and important right of Americans is being suppressed by the Treason Party that brought the Country to the brink of destruction for their own political gain.

Over a decade of the Neo GOP is enough.They don't want to lead they want to rule.
The Founding Fathers they constantly reference in their selective recognition of History would have them tried for sedition and hung.

These are not ethical people and certainly not the Patriots they claim to be.
Selling lies,fear and hatred is not the American Way.

Refresh your memory with the links below and an assessment  from Bill Press,then at CNN and Tribune

Bush Steals 2000 Election

Bill Press: More evidence Bush stole the election
July 23, 2001 Posted: 1:46 PM EDT (1746 GMT)

By Bill Press, Tribune Media Services
WASHINGTON (Tribune Media Services) -- George W. Bush wishes the election was over. He wants everybody to forget about what happened in Florida, stop examining ballots, move on, and accept him as a legitimate president.
Too bad. The media will never stop digging into the Florida election until all the votes are counted -- something that never happened last November.
And the more they dig, they more evidence there is that Bush did not win Florida, and therefore the presidency, fair and square. Indeed, he may not have won at all. He is our legitimate 43rd president, but it looks more and more that he arrived there illegitimately.
CNN, the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune and other major publications are conducting a recount of every ballot cast in Florida, including both undervotes and overvotes. That survey will not be completed till late this summer. But a more limited study by the Times alone of all overseas absentee ballots cast raises serious ethical questions about the Bush campaign and, by extension, the Bush presidency.
We all recall that the mantra of the Bush campaign during the recount -- and the philosophical foundation of the Supreme Court's later Bush v. Gore decision -- was the principle of equal protection. Simply stated, that meant the same standard should apply to counting all ballots statewide. No second-guessing. No bending the rules for dimpled ballots or hanging chads. No mercy for those seniors who complained they intended to vote for Gore but, because of the confusing butterfly ballot, ended up voting for Reform candidate Pat Buchanan.
Tough. Too bad. Live and die by the rules. That's what Bush's head honcho James Baker and others were saying publicly. And they used that logic, with the help of the courts, to beat back the Gore campaign's requests for manual recounts in four counties where there were the greatest number of disputed ballots.
But the New York Times now shows the Bushies were talking out of both sides of their mouths. While they were publicly preaching equal protection for all ballots cast in Florida, they were privately pushing special protection for overseas absentee ballots cast in those counties most favorable to Bush.
It was a two-pronged effort. In Washington, Republican Congressman Steve Buyer, Chair of the House Armed Services Committee, in a clear abuse of power, asked the Pentagon to fork over a list of telephone numbers and e-mail addressees of all military personnel eligible to vote -- which the Bush camp used to contact those whose votes had been rejected and ask them to raise a fuss. Meanwhile, in Florida county courthouses, lawyers for the Bush camp were cajoling election workers into bending the rules.
It worked. Out of a total 2,490 overseas ballot cast, the Times found, 680 -- or 22 percent -- were illegal, but counted anyway: four out of five of those in counties carried by Bush. They included ballots with no postmark and no evidence they were mailed before November 7; ballots with no required signature of a witness; ballots from voters who were not registered to vote; ballots received after the November 17 deadline; ballots mailed in the United States, not overseas; and duplicate ballots, where someone had voted twice, both of which were counted.
Poor, hapless Democrats, meanwhile, didn't have a clue what was going on. They were unsuccessfully concentrating on getting all legal votes tallied in four counties, while -- with the cooperation of Secretary of State Katherine Harris -- Republicans were successfully getting illegal votes counted statewide.
Joe Lieberman made it worse when he appeared on Meet the Press and said no one should challenge any military ballots. Not even, one presumes, the group of sailors featured in the Times story who learned the morning of November 8 how close the election was. "Whoa, I have to get my ballot in," one of them said. He did. And the Bush campaign made sure it and others like it were counted. Late.
Because we don't know for sure for whom overseas ballots were cast, the Times says it's not yet clear whether Bush won or lost the election. But, judging from where votes were tallied, rejecting the flawed overseas votes would probably reduce Bush's narrow margin of 537 down to 245. It might even be enough to show Al Gore the winner.
But the Times survey does offer conclusive proof that Republicans were willing to say or do anything to win Florida. And did. Even cheating on absentee ballots. We know now what we suspected all along. The election in Florida was not conducted fairly nor ended fairly. That will forever cast a cloud over the Bush presidency. Bill Press

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Yesterday I found out I had Lung Cancer on top of Liver Cancer that has returned after 2 1/2 years.Having waited since April to find out ,they spotted it when I was in ICU for my heart and respiratory ills, I'm actually relieved to know,but not surprised as I smoked for over 40 years.
I'm lucky though as I have the best of care from UW Medical and the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance and the support of Family and Friends.
I want to make sure everyone has access to Affordable  Health Care, as I do, and will continue to work towards that goal as I have for the last decade.
I want to say one thing, and we were all told this and many like myself,did not prioritise it.I see many more young people taking up smoking now after a decline for years.We need to convince them to stop because every Doctor I've talked to says most of the damage is done right away and lays domant until ones latter years so it's important to not even start and I see little public messaging of that.
I don't mean to be preachy as I'm sure many of you already have spoken on this to your younger family and friends,but just a reminder in case you haven't as we all are facing so many challenges these days it's difficult to prioritize.